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Mr. Tkach's semiannual letter offering the two booklets nwhat Is Faith?
and "The Bible--Superstition or Authority?" was mailed out this month and
the first responses are beginning to come in. Mail for the month totaled
25,453 letters and cards, bringing our year-to-date increase for incoming
mail to 16.6 percent. Outgoing mail for the year so far is just slightly
above the 1985 total--up 0.6 percent.
Preparations are now well under way for our SEP camp in Malaysia to be
held from July 28 to August 8. Twenty-eight campers will gather at our
campsite on a member's rubber plantation just outside of Kuala Lumpur. A
camper from Sri Lanka and one from India will also attend.
We have been blessed with a well-qualified activity staff of local members
who are highly rated professionally in their field.
These will be
complimented by a number of experienced SEP staff from Australia and by
Dusti Howell, an Ambassador College student serving on the Ambassador
Foundation project at Nuwara Eliya in Sri Lanka.
We are pleased to report·that all our members in the Solomon Islands are
safe following the devastating cyclone that ravaged .the country recently.
One member suffered some damage to his home and will need a certain amount
of help to repair his house. However, apart from this, it seems that God
protected the members during the cyclone for which we are most grateful.
Honiara, the capital of the Solomons, was not as badly hit as the rest of
the country and we are planning to proceed with the Feast of Tabernacles
there this year.
(Submitted by Robert Morton, Regional Director)
From Germany
After monitoring a pilot newsstand program for one year, we
are now ready to implement newsstand distribution through the local church
pastors here in the German-speaking area.
To begin with, program
coordinator Wade Franssen traveled to Hannover to help Mr. Paul Kieffer,
pastor of the churches in Northern Germany, start distribution there. In
one day, two excellent locations opened up in Hannover and Hildesheim (1/2
hour southwest of Hannover). This gave us a good foundation for Northern
Germany with about 2,000 magazines distributed in May.
Mr. Kieffer
commented that the members were encouraged by the new newsstand outlets in
their area. On my trip to Hannover I observed that the members were very
excited. The newsstand program helps them feel more involved in the work
and gives them an added impetus to pray for greater success.
subscribers are already being added through the new outlets.
Another interesting item from Northern Germany was also reported by Mr.
A Church member's daughter had an interesting experience at
school, where religion is taught.
The girl took her Y.E.S.
lesson to school, where she was to work
the lesson during the
hour-long religious class. The lesson caught the attention of
the teacher, who was so impressed by the Biblical content that
she asked for 25 lessons for the entire class to use in
discussing Noah and the ark!
At the end of May we were very happy to welcome the Ambassador College
German Summer Program students here in Bonn.
The students were
accompanied by German teacher Tom Root, who came to conduct a two-week