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full-time men to review this material as it relates to the present
condition of your congregations!
Many times it's too late to set things in order prior to leaving an area
if you have overlooked some ongoing trends or fallen into some bad habits
in your pastoral approach.
Certainly the record keeping necessary to
provide the next minister with a good foundation must be done on a regular
and systematic basis.
If a new pastor were moved into your place today,
how prepared would you be to hand over a good set of records to acquaint
him with area needs and working relationships? Even with your head full
of personal knowledge of your area you cannot be totally effective without
good paperwork. Take this opportunity now to check up on yourself.
For those who are moving, I want to emphasize the need for putting into
practice what is contained in these instructions. One of the best ways we
can serve the whole church is to hold up each other's hands and work
together as a closely knit team of min.isters. The right way to deal with
apparent problems in pastoral performance is addressed in the manual. Use
How about calling the previous pastor and discussing any question you
might have instead of jumping to conclusions?
Isn't that what you would
want your successor to do? Are we men enough and converted enough to help
each other in the way Christ has instructed? If not, how can we stand in
the pulpit and preach that brethren should "bear one another
s burden
(Gal. 6:2)?
Or that they should restore one who is overtaken in a fault
(verse 1)?
Talking about someone's problems takes little effort, but
talking to someone about his own problems takes courage, faith and
humility.- Let
s make sure we arepracticing what we preach.
God will
bless our genuine efforts to help each other become better shephe�ds""'""'oI'
His flock.
Staff Changes With the transition in both the Pastor General's Office and
Church Administration have come changes in the duties of various staff
members. I thought it would be helpful to bring you up to date.
Most of you know by now that a number of people moved from Church
Administration upstairs to assist Mr. Tkach.
These are Michael Feazell,
Ellen Escat, Michael Rasmussen and Lois Weber.
Added to Church
Administration are Brenda Yale, Lianne Johnston, Michael Rice, Ralph Lucia
and Merry Knowlton (full-time).
Current student employees are Richard
Ritenbaugh and Philip Dick. Andre Zick is now an administrative assistant
to both Mr. Horchak and me. To make your communication with us easier a
list of staff members and their general areas of responsibility are
included as an insert with this issue.
International News
From Italy
The second quarter of this year has been an exciting and
productive one. On May 4, 1986, Michael Caputo conducted this era's first
Public Bible Lecture in Italy.
Held in Rome, the lecture was entitled
"What Biblical prophecy reveals about the future of Italy." Approximately
250 "Pura Verita" subscribers were in attendance;
representing a
commendable 5 percent turnout. Response was enthusiastic; 100 literature
request cards were turned in and 11 people requested visits. Among those
in the audience was a Jehovah's Witness pastor, a Catholic monk, several
nuns and a Seventh-day Adventist elder.