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24, 1986
A "WR· Thank-you We are wrapping up work on the June 30 issue of •The
Worldwide News,• featuring Pastor General Joseph
Tkach's trips to
Oklahoma City, Okla., for Sabbath services and to Stockton, Calif., for
Pentecost. A big thank-you to all you pastors who have coordinated Mr.
Tkach's visits to your areas.
We appreciate the information you have
forwarded to us for coverage in the Church's newspaper. Also please pass
along our thanks to the photographers who gave of their time to shoot
photos of the visits for us. Only by your service can Mr. Tkach's trips
be shared with the rest of the brethren through ·The Worldwide News.•
TV Brochures By now you've probably seen several of the new TV brochures
that we're providing for the telecast. We're finding the brochure format
an excellent way to provide material to the television audience. In the
brochure we can use material that we have already printed with a cover
designed especially for television.
And speaking of those brochures, please remind the brethren in your area
that these brochures are not new. material, but new reports of articles
already published in our magazines. If significant changes are made in
booklets or brochures, members will receive copies automatically.
"Youth 86• Letters Following are some interesting letters from "Youth 86•
readers not associated with the Church.
A girl in Connecticut writes: •I first saw your magnificent magazine in a
girlfriend's house. It was the most· inspiring magazine I have ever read.
Would it be possible for me to receive a subscription to 'Youth 86?' I am
X 14 years old and just made my communion. Thank you very, very much in
· advance. Hope this little amount of money will be of some help--from
communion gifts to
A 16-year-old boy asked us to put some articles in the magazine
X becoming a missionary in Japan.
A 17-year-old subscriber who's •really into what I like to call 'heaven
"i. metal' and gospel rock music• told us •the Worldwide Church of God is
/\definitely helping me to make it, giving me the spiritual food I need and
making me a stronger Christian. And all this has come from me picking up
a copy of 'The Plain Truth' in a grocery store one day.•
•Good News• Update
We are continuing to receive hundreds of positive
responses to the May issue, "A Tribute to Herbert
Armstrong.• Members
and nonmembers alike appreciated that special edition that honored Mr.
Armstrong and the work God has done through him and also introduced Mr.
Tkach to them as pastor general.
We are changing the •sharing• column to "Family Sharing." •Good News"
contributor Ronald Kelly's article "How Important Is Marriage?" will begin
the new series in the August "Good News.•