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24, 1986
fulfilling God• s great purpose.
Don't fail to regularly remind the
brethren of the blessings of knowing the true meaning of marriage and the
spiritual laws that produce happiness and peace in the home.
Physical Bxami nations In the last "Pastor General • s Report, • Mr. Tkach
stressed the responsibility to take care of our health and suggested the
need for the ministry to get complete physicals so that we can be more
fully aware of our present state of health. Of course, this will aid in
both providing the motivation and proper planning for a balanced diet and
exercise program.
After further discussion with Mr. Tkach, we are
planning to provide for these physicals at the time of your attendance to
the Refresher Program rather than in your own local area as originally
Although it may take a year or more to get everyone through the medical
physical, the standards maintained and costs involved will be more
controllable and consistent.
If you feel your present condition, age, weight, etc. warrant a physical
before your scheduled Refresher, you may contact Andre Zick in Church
Administration. Those full-time ministers who have already been through
the Refreshing Program and have not had a recent examination may also
contact Andre.
All international men should contact their Regional
Booking Festival Rousing The second Festival listing is coming out in the
next week. Since the process of searching for appropriate housing to fill
families' needs for the Feast can become quite involved, you should remind
the members in your congregation �hat the booking of their housing
(motels/hotels, etc.) is not appropriate for the Sabbath. It has become
obvious that many in the�urch have done this.
Although this subject
will be addressed next year prior to the Festival Planners being sent, you
should.remind the membership that it is improper to get involved in this
type of business on God's Sabbath.
Recent Ordinations Recently ordained as local church elders on April 24
were Duncan Murphy of the Kelowna, Canada, congregation and Charles Speck
of the Abbotsford, Canada, congregation.
International News
Pram the Netherlands The month of May started off with the final results
coming in from our spring advertising campaign. A full-page four-color ad
was placed on the back cover of the DUTCH AUTOMOBILE ASSOCIATION magazine
and a direct mail trial run was done in Belgium. As a result of this the
"Echte Waarheid" (Plain Truth) subscription list stands at 64,916.
Also this spring, first-time renewals for the "Good News" magazine in the
Dutch language were sent out. This has resulted in a positive 71 percent