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**Includes first-time requests for literature as well as for all monthly
The decrease in this category is mainly the result of
budgetary cutbacks approved by Mr. Armstrong last fall.
Also, one year
ago at this time, we were receiving responses to a special ad in �ADER'S
DIGEST, which is not being run this year.
In-Bame Program The WATS In-Home Program is becoming more and more a
vital part of the WATS operation as responses to the telecast continue to
increase. During the first weekend in May, in-home volunteers answered a
record 5,125 calls, which represents 14 percent of the total calls
received (37,748).
Thus far, approximately 3,000 members from 86 congregations have answered
over 90,000 calls.
The new call diverters now in use are working extremely well, and they
provide a number of outstanding benefits.
Calls routed to in-home
operators through the new system are sent out faster and more
economically. The calls are also amplified so that operators and callers
can more clearly hear each other. In case of an emergency or problem, any
in-home operator can transfer the call to a WATS supervisor in Pasadena.
Moreover, less equipment is needed to install and operate in-home lines
than standard WATS lines.
This saves the Work hundreds of dollars per
As we are able to manufacture more diverters, more church areas
will be included as the in-home program expands.
We are including a letter from a couple in Iowa who wrote to us after
taking their first in-home calls:
Thank you!
Thank you for the In-Home WATS Program.
served for the first time this past Sabbath, and
fantastic way to be more a part of this great Work.
thought i�possible that here in Iowa we could
privilege of being a part of this program, but we
with God all things are possible.
We just
it is a
We never
have the
know that
It has helped us as individuals to have more zeal and
excitement for this Work and it has also helped the whole
congregation to be able to hear about the excitement of taking
WATS calls and hearing the comments and excitement in the
voices of the callers.
We are behind all of you at headquarters 100 percent, and we
pray fervently for you, Mr. Tkach, and the great responsibil­
ities that you do have.
Clarksburg, IA
RCS For WATS Our Telephone Response area has acquired one of the phone
company's latest innovations--a computer terminal called an RCS (short for
Routing Control Service).
This terminal directly links us to the AT&T
central computer in St. Louis, Missouri, that allows us to instantly route
all incoming WATS calls to Pasadena and Big Sandy.