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interest in receiving it. The "Good News" subscription rate has grown 77
percent a year since that time.
The nonmember readership is well more
than 90 percent of the total. Although we have taken steps to stabilize
and control the growth of "The Plain Truth," more than 635,000 people
subscribed in the first three months of this year, setting a new record.
"Youth 86" circulation worldwide has also set a new record--more than
230,000 with the March issue.
•Youth 86• Responses Although mail to "Youth 86" is overwhelmingly
positive, not so surprisingly, we did get a few letters disagreeing with
our views on hair length.
Most of our letters are like the following, however:
"Yesterday was the first day I had ever read your magazine in our
school library. I really liked it a lot. Your articles interested me.
I'm only sorry I didn't notice it on the magazine rack before. I'm sure I
missed out on many good articles. I was reading a letter you printed from
a reader on the topic of sex. Would you please send me a free copy of the
book "The Missing Dimension in Sex." (Reader, Chino, California)
"I've been receiving "Youth" magazine for five years now and it's
really been making huge contributions toward my decision making. Whenever
there's a problem or a question concerning something that really confuses
me, I just look through my "Youth" magazines until I find help. Sometimes
while I'm searching, two or three different articles on the same subject
will appear, so I just read them all." (Reader, Milwaukee, Wisconsin)
September •Plain Truth• Look for a warm and interesting anecdote from
Pastor General Joseph Tkach's boyhood in the September "Plain Truth's"
"Personal from the Publisher." We also plan to feature in the September
edition an article on teen pregnancy by Ron Toth, showing how our society
today encourages it. "Why You Hear a False Gospel Preached Today" by John
Halford and Herman L. Hoeh informs our readers that the gospel they hear
from pulpits today is not the one Jesus Christ brought. Gene Hogberg's
lead article will reflect experiences from his trip to the international
economic conference in Tokyo.
Unexpected Request Our office just received a request from the National
Library of Australia to reproduce the Ambassador-Spokesman Club Speech
Manual in braille to serve their Handicapped Section. Perhaps some of our
members with sight difficulties in that region will benefit from this
project eventually.
"Worldwide News• Feature We would like to honor 1986 valedictorians and
salutatorians in "The Worldwide News" in July. Please send in the names
of those graduates in your area who are academically first or second in
their classes. Along with names please send in the names of their schools
and photographs of each graduate (used if space permits) to "The Worldwide
News," Box 111, Pasadena, Calif., 91129.
To meet our deadlines this
information needs to be mailed to us by the end of June.
--Dexter Faulkner, Editorial Services