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my oldest daughter, Lisa, to Mr. Andy Burnett of Dayton, Ohio.
Tkach would say, "I just look like a teenager."
As Mr.
You've probably already looked at the list of transfers on the following
pages. Because it takes so much space I won't write further now.
Keep· up the good work and let's keep encouraging and praying for one
another, especially as we enter this busy summer season.
For security reasons, it has been decided not to hold the Feast
of Tabernacles in Fiuggi, Italy, near the city of Rome.
Consequently, the Festival 1986 location for all brethren from
Italy, Malta and Greece has been moved to Lugano, a small city
located in the Italian-speaking area of southern Switzerland.
Brethren who had already applied to transfer to Fiuggi will be
contacted soon in regard to whether or not they desire to attend
in Lugano.
In the September 13, 1985 issue of the "Pastor General's
Report," instructions were given to sell all buses and vans that
had been acquired for use in the local churches.
As the renewal date for our auto liability coverage is September
1, 1986, we need to make every effort to have all buses disposed
of before that date.
Please communicate with the Insurance Department when you have
sold your bus and the date it was sold. They wilT""tnen report
this to our insurance company in order to obtain a premium
Prayer Request Update Several weeks ago we requested prayer on behalf of
Mrs. Sylvia Van Deventer. The Van Deventers have expressed their great
appreciation for the many cards of encouragement and prayers asking for
God's healing. Since Mrs. Van Deventer continues to experience pain and
loss of sight due to the tumor, your continued prayers for God's
miraculous intervention are requested.
Mr. Dennis Doucet, a local elder and former church pastor, died on Sunday,
May 11. He had suffered a series of strokes several weeks earlier, went
into a coma at that time and never fully regained consciousness. He was
buried on May 13. Mr. Ken Treybig, the associate pastor in the Big Sandy-