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Mozambican Foreign Affairs minister. I also met many members
of the ANC. Patrice Lumumba (the Congo revolutionary leader of
the early 1960s1 was responsible for whites' fleeing the Congo
to Rhodesia where they were cared for and others came to South
Africa. Lumumba wanted all whites dead and this thought was
also given to me by the Soviets.
We were sent back to our countries with (several] objectives-­
to destroy missionaries and schools, to kill our parents and
teachers, to create racial hatred and influence young people
that liberation can be obtained through the barrel of a gun••••
We believed that we must create Utopias where people do not
work, money flowed in and like the whites, everyone need to
sleep only1
The War in Rhodesia started in 1964, but South
Africa only took notice of it by 19701 We killed the blacks
who did not agree with our doctrine [the ANC's principle tactic
today]. In five years we recruited 100,000 boys between the
ages of 13 and 18 in Rhodesia and trained them in Tanzania and
Communism is an idea of the mind, a philosophy of
destruction. It takes over the heart and mind and teaches to
hate everyone and everything••••
I was given the task to kill a preacher in Salisbury (now
Harare) when his message challenged me••• C to see] that
illiterate people were being used and that I was a sinner•.•• I
want to build bridges, not destroy them.
In 1973 I met the
late John Vorster, Ian Smith and Bishop Muzorewa during
discussions to save Rhodesia and establish reconciliations••..
After only five years of so-called Independence the economy of
Zimbabwe has declined••. [and the level of) education has
fallen.... Thirty thousand blacks died in the War of
Independence, only 600 whites died. Now in 1986 the Minister
of Education announced in Parliament that they will again be
using the curriculum used by the Smith Government! ••• Rhodesia
was not so bad. There was no apartheid, nor in Kenya, Congo,
Ghana or Zambia, but separate development existed in all these
countries because people live differently. Rhodesia's black
education was next to South Africa's the best in Africa.
independent black
countries are
decolonization and majority rule. Ghana used to be call�d the
Gold Coast!
These countries are ignorant about wo·
rk and the
discipline that goes with it. The Communists taught them that
God is materialistic and therefore the white man's God.... I
walk the streets of Pretoria and Johannesburg and see free
people, black and white. I only smile when black people talk
about being oppressed by whites; I used to think so myself••••
My advice [to whites is] freedom does not kill!
the freedom of this country and communicate with black people
to establish friendships. LOVE GOD, love and obey your parents
and the laws of your country and love and respect your tutors.
A nation without education, love of God, love of country and
love of freedom is a dead nation.