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weaponry, and he had purchased more than $12 billion worth of
Soviet hardware by the early 1980s. The
he says, is the
"devil," the Soviets are a "friend." The main reason for his
embrace of the Soviets is
support for Israel. Gaddafi is
obsessed with wiping Israel off the map, and he is convinced
that only America stands in his way.... Like the Ayatullah
Khomeini, he sees Washington as the focus of evil on the planet
and regards the U.S., not Israel, as the ultimate enemy••••
Anwar Sadat•••once described Gaddafi as "100 percent sick and
possessed of the devil." What Gaddafi is possessed by is a
desire for vengeance. "He seems to be motivated by a strong
desire to take revenge," says a CIA analyst. "But revenge in
the historic-religious sense rather than in� practical order.
Revenge not so much for what we did to him last year or two
weeks ago but for· the humiliation of Islam, for the cultural
and actual conquest of the Middle East." Whatever his motive,
whether it is the quest for pan-Islam or only a greater
} �� dience for himself, he will not rest until he has struck back
� been struck down.
South Africa--Violence Accelerates
.Another part of the world where
violence and terror are becoming a way of life is South Africa. Every
movement toward reform, such as the recent change in the pass laws, is
only met with escalating violence on the part of those who see that reform
only delays the day they can, as President P.W. Botha put it, "take over
this country for their own selfish and cruel ideological ends."
The African National Congress (ANC) marked its 74th anniversary in January
with a warning to South Africa's whites. "We are now calling for a rapid,
extensive escalation of our military offensive," said ANC President Oliver
Tambo. "The violence must spread outside the townships. As far as many
South Africans are concerned, this violence is happening only in some
black back yard. All must be made to experience the struggle."
lwinnie Mandela, wife of the imprisoned ANC figurehead leader, Nelson
/Mandela, has made a number of inflammatory remarks lately, which have made
right-wing critics of the Nationalist government wonder why she is. still
on the loose. On March 29 Mrs. Mandela described South Africa's white
leaders as terrorists and called for "direct action" against them. She
told mourners at a funeral in Brandfort: "The day will come when you will
march to that lily-white part of Brandfort and take the wealth which is
rightfully yours."
A few days later, Mrs. Mandela told another cheering crowd: "Together,
hand-in-hand with our boxes of matches, with our necklaces, we shall
1 liberate thiscountry."
By this she referred to the spread of arson
'-Rtacks on white property and to the ritual burning alive of blacks
alleged to be government collaborators by putting a gasoline-filled tire
around the neck and setting it on fire.
(Any black opposed to this·
philosophy of violence can be labeled a "collaborator" and thus subject to
the bestial necklace murder.) "We have reached a very serious stage in
our struggle," she added. "The time for speeches and debate has come to
an end. This year, 1986, is going to see the liberation of the oppressed
masses in this country."