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•youth 86• Update
The August edition of "Youth 86" is shaping up. My "By
the Way" column for that issue was inspired by a sobering letter from a
teenage girl who learned the hard way and became an unwed mother. From
the letters we receive we can tell the pressures upon young people in this
society of Satan are at an all-time high. Many are crying out for guide­
lines in a world where it seems anything goes.
If you know of any encouraging examples of young people in your area, be
sure to let us know. •youth 86" is a bright beacon of hope in an otherwise
darkened world to so many of our young readers.
Also scheduled for August are articles about why the news is all bad today
<with the good news just ahead), a story of endurance in a caving
adventure, an article about buying clothes on a limited budget and an
article about some animals with a lot of scents--skunks!
•worldwide Revs• Update
Continuing its coverage of Pastor General Joseph
Tkach's church area visits, "The Wo�ldwide News" features Mr. Tkach's
trip to Anchorage, Alaska, for the last day of Unleavened Bread in its May
5 edition.
In the May 19 issue, we will present a special "Iron Sharpens Iron"
In addition to Christian living articles we plan to
help brethren prepare for the annual Holy Days
Please· encourage the brethren to be looking for
· section on Pentecost.
use this section to
throughout the year.
these articles.
As always "The Worldwide News" is looking for news of the Work and Church.
We welcome features on outstanding members or teens. If you are planning
a special activity in your area that you feel warrants coverage in the
paper, please let us know, preferably ahead of time, so we can send out
information on photo and other needs for the paper. Never assume we know
of your activities. With our small staff, we depend upon you to feed us
the news.
--Dexter Faulkner, Editorial Services
We have received many
of ministerial fleet
Sandy were notified
calls �oncerning the IRS regulations on personal use
Corporate drivers in Pasadena and Big
separately about the tax consequence of their
In response to those new regulations, the Fleet Office conducted a survey
of ministerial fleet drivers
the United States and arrived at an
average percentage of personal use.
This average figure when multiplied
by the IRS lease table amounts was less than the total payroll deductions
paid by the field ministry. Consequently, there was no additional value
to add to the 1985 taxable income for the ministerial fleet.
This year we plan to follow the same valuation procedures as last year.
It is still recommended that you keep � written record of automobile
usage. This could take the form of an appointment book, mileage log, etc.
--Dean May, Fleet Administration