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I am reminded at this point of the open house held recently at Imperial
Schools. After demonstrating a Thai folk dance, the Thai guests invited
participation by the audience including Mr. Tkach. He went right out onto
the floor and did a very commendable job of copying the steps and
movements of the Thai dancers. Most of us would have been too embarrassed
to do such a thing. Why? Because of vanity and having
mind £!! the
self rather than being willing to learn and grow through new experiences.
Naturally, many of God's people hang back from trying something new. And
though we certainly shouldn't force them to, we should create �
environment of fun and fellowship that encourages participation.
Over the years some fine organization has gone into the tournaments that
have been held. All this has helped to boost the morale and interest of
those youths who are inclined toward athletics.
No doubt it has also
built some confidence and peer identity.
But � we missing a most
important opPortunity on these special occasions?
Can we accept the
CHALLENGE now being put forth by Mr. Tkach to build the Church into more
than a team? �? By building it into one large worldwide body--the body
of Christ. Notice I John 1:3: ·That which we have seen and heard declare
unto you, that ye also may have fellowship with us: and truly our
fellowship is with the Father, and with his Son Jesus Christ."
That fellowship with God is on His wavelength, not ours. We naturally
were on Satan's wavelength, which is the way and attitude of •get." It is
the way of competition, which is subtle and insidious, getting for self by
putting others down.
Do we still allow this spirit of competition· to
pollute� thinking and limit our initiative in youth activities? Do we
make the sports contest the focal point of virtually every District Family
Weekend to the exclusion of other wholesome, family oriented activities?
As some have said, the involvement of many families consists of
transporting their child to the game and sitting in the bleachers.
other parents it's working the concessions stands. If this is true, then
the term District Family Weekend is surely a misnomer.
We all realize that many parents will not want to be as actively involved
as their teenagers.
It is also true that most parents enjoy watching
their young people play ball. But for 24-36 hours? And that with little
time or occasion for close contact or conversation with their child!
Do we have the creativity and initiative to make real improvements the
next time around? Have we tapped the resources of our local members? I
see no reason why these special weekend activities can't take on more of
the feeling of a church social, summer picnic or camp- out where everyone
works and plays together to build strong bonds of fellowship.
doesn't � � should exclude ball. games or tournaments! But we should
!!-evaluate the concept that� is better. With a little brainstorming
and a lot of hard work, I believe we can make the District Family Weekend
functions anticipated and enjoyed by the whole family. And at the same
time we can build and strengthen relationships within both the physical
and the spiritual families.
It may be some time before you have the opportunity to put these thoughts
into action, but I wanted to plant the seeds in your mind now. Even as we