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Numerous comments were received from the callers expressing sadness at
the death of Mr. Armstrong but they were encouraged to hear that the
telecast would continue to be produced by men personally taught by Mr.
Armstrong. Interest in Mr. Armstrong's new book, •Mystery of the Ages,•
was exceptionally high.
Mr. David Hulme's first television program, entitled •what Will the
Future Bring?•, aired the following week, was received exceptionally well
by viewers.
Many positive comments were made.
The response to Mr.
Hulme's program was the third-highest on record, beaten only by the
tribute to Mr. Armstrong and one other program aired in 1985, entitled,
•Ascent to Greatness.• We are delighted with this continuing and
heightened interest in the •world Tomorrow• telecast.
Excellent increases in both incoming and outgoing mail were recorded in
February. Incoming mail for the month totaled 34,890 letters--a 52.1
percent increase over February 1985.
Our year-to-date increase for
incoming mail now stands at 15.4 percent.
Outgoing mail for the month totaled 78,571 separate items of mail--a 54.4
percent increase over February last year. Our year-to-date increase for
outgoing mail is now 23.4 percent.
In February a four-color advertisement for the •p1ain Truth• magazine was
placed in the Singapore edition of •Reader's Digest.• The main headline
in this advertisement reads, ·MONEY CAN'T BUY THIS MAGAZINE, BUT WE'LL
So far 2,105 responses have been received--4.61 of the •Reader's Digest•
circulation in Singapore.
We continue to be most encouraged by the increase in the number of people
requesting contact with a minister of God's Church. Visit requests so far
this year have risen by 38.81.
(Submitted by Robert Morton, Regional Director)
--Larry Salyer, Director of Church Administration
The first quarter of the year has now passed. We are pleased financially
with the progress, but as always hope for even greater increases in the
Even though the actual increase for this month is a little lower than a
month ago, it is still above budget projections. Last year by this time,
we had received considerable •tithe-of-the-tithe" contributions.
since the festivals occur later this year according to the Roman
calendar, the letter concerning these contributions was sent out later.
The actual increase for March was 4 percent and for the year-to-date 8.3
If the •tithe-of-the-tithe• amounts were deleted from last
year's figure, the amounts would be 12.3 percent and 11.2 percent