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Groups of two or three families should eat and fellowship
together in an attitude of thankfulness and rejoicing for the
sin that
Testament Christians
The host or leading man should ask God's blessing
on the meal and the occasion, but no further •sermonizing•
should be done.
Surely all of the· brethren will be eagerly anticipating the Holy Days.
You can edify your congregation by helping them to be fully prepared for
them. Emphasize the importance of advance preparation for the Night to Be
Much Observed so that all is done •decently and in order.•
Remember that
nonmember mates should be made to feel welcome to attend.
Of course we
should maintain the dignity and spiritual fellowship of this special
observance in both our conduct and our conversation.
On a related matter, I want to remind you pastors of your responsibility
of taking up the Holy Day offering. The easiest way to do this is again to
quote Mr. Tkach from instructions given for the Feast of Tabernacles:
Mr. Herbert Armstrong'• approach has always been a balanced
one--not putting undue pressure on the brethren to give what
they do not have.
However, they should be encouraged to give as
they have been blessed by God.
Giving to God should always be
an act of faith.
There are many scriptures that can be used to
show the proper attitude of giving, where our hearts need to be
and what a Christian's responsibilities are in this regard.
Although you should� take the approach of doing a •sales job•
on the congregation, you have been charged with the duty of
properly orienting God• s people about their responsibility and
calling to assist God's apostle in completing this great Work.
Please continue to pray for Mr. '?kach as he carries the heavy load Christ
bas placed on his shoulders. The Work here continues full speed ahead! We
are praying for all of you.
Festival Notice
Please note:
The French Canadian Feast site--nortb of Quebec
city--is already filled.
However, we still have room at the
other French Feast sites.
Notice to
and Canadian Church Pastors
We realize that some of the S.E.P. applications were late in
reaching various church areas.
In such cases, please make every
effort to have the applications mailed back by April 15, 1986.