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•we're clo99in9
their arteries,• . says Tazewell Banks,
director of the Heart Station at
General Hospita·
1 in
Washington. •If you hate your children, you tell them to play
in the street. Not quite as bad, but in the same direction, if
you hate your children, send them to those fast-food
places.•••• •Forty-six percent
all American .!!!!!l at age
twenty-two already have the beginnlngs of coronary heart
disease,• says Banks••••
SCIENCE DIGEST followed up by commissioning Sacks to do some
more tests, which showed that the fatty-acid profiles of
McDonald's Chicken McNuggets and Filet-0-Fish and Burger King's
Chicken Sandwich and Whaler resembled beef more than chicken or
And, according to industry figures, Burger King's
Chicken Sandwich contains 42 grams of fat--equivalent to a pint
and a half of Sealtest ice cream.
Tallow is fat trimmed from meat cuts and rendered into
shortening. It is not only fat but the worst kind of fat; it
is highly saturated, a chemical classification for fats that,
according to Sacks, both incite the body to produce cholesterol
and decrease the body's ability to break down and excrete
unused cholesterol.... Although vegetable oil is often mixed
in, beef tallow
freguently the main cooking o'll. And it's
� saturated than lard••••
At McDonald's, the nation's largest source of fast food, no
secret is made of its frying technique. •we use the highest
quality of beef and vegetable shortening, and the reason we use
that shortening is because it produces the highest quality
finished product and the best-tasting 2!!,!,• says spokesperson
Terri Capatosto•••• 1984, 1.3 billion pounds of beef tallow
were used in America, most for frying, some in margarines. Its
cooking advantages are simply put:
Tallow is relatively
inexpensive and doesn't break down at high temperatures, as
unsaturated vegetable oils do.
Moreover, the fat is
The National Institutes of Health (NIH) and other agencies,
meanwhile, are recommending a 25-percent cutback in all dietary
fat. With the average person consuming about 89 grams of fat a
day, according to CSPI, tHat would mean a reduction to about 67
grams. •some fast-food restaurants have sixty-seven grams or
so of fat in just one meal," notes Liebman••••
Indeed, according to both CSPI's and McDonald's own figures, a
regular packet of french fries contains 11.5 grams of fat--one­
sixth the maximum recommended daily intake and more than is in
a hamburger. While a 10.75-ounce chocolate shake has 9 grams,
a Big Mac has about 34. At Burger King, a double Whopper with
cheese has 61 grams all by itself••••
SCIENCE DIGEST asked Frank Sacks of Harvard Medical School to
analyze the fatty acids in three brands of frozen french fries
and in fish and chicken from McDonald's, Burger King, Howard