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Mr. Tkach had, of course, sent me to Australia on his behalf and had
approved in advance the outline and summary of the conference agenda. It
is Mr. Tkach's desire to build and strengthen the unity and harmony in
God's Work worldwide through close communication with the regional
directors and the entire ministry. Both the ministry and the brethren in
Australia were very enthusiastic about the news of the Work and the
leadership Christ has given through Mr. Tkach.
In three combined services in Brisbane, Sydney and Melbourne, I was able
to preach to about 75 percent of the members in Australia. After each,
both Judy and I received numerous comments and messages of support to be
relayed to Mr. Tkach. Many of these included the question, "When is Mr.
Tkach coming to visit Australia?" They eagerly await such a visit.
We very much appreciate the hospitality shown us and the fine job done by
the entire staff to make our stay in Australia very pleasant indeed.
As our plane ticket required a two-hour stop in Auckland, we extended the
number of hours to 24, allowing us to visit the offices of God's Work in
New Zealand.
Regional Director Peter Nathan and his wife Karen, ably
assisted by the staff, hosted a lunch at the office.
We enjoyed the
opportunity to visit with several ministers as well as the staff. Once
again, thanks to all concerned. All in all, God's Work in Australia, New
Zealand and Southeast Asia seems to be moving steadily forward. We look
forward to another visit when the opportunity arises.
Remember, fellow ministers, this is a worldwide Work. Wherever you are
and whatever your responsibilities, be diligent to stay close to God, be
fervent in your prayers for one another and always look to Headquarters
for Christ's direction through His chosen servant, Mr. Joseph Tkach.
Please pray for all of us here as we pray for you.
Second Tithe Assistance This week all the U.S. Church Pastors were sent
revised Second Tithe Assistance Applications and a revised Second Tithe
Assistance Manual. This material was sent first class. If you haven't
already received your packet, you should be receiving it soon.
If an
envelope with this material doesn't arrive in the next week or so, please
let us know and we will send you another set.
Once you have received your packet, please carefully read the instruc­
tions. There are several changes in procedures, part of which requires
you to be working with those who will be needing assistance right away-­
even before the Spring Feasts.
Certificates Each year we receive a number of requests in May and June
for rush orders for Spokesman Club Graduation and YES Completion Certifi­
cates. Many times the shipping costs of these orders end up being more
expensive than the certificates themselves. Please do your planning now
and make your requests in plenty of time to allow normal handling of these
Dance Music Tapes In the February 21, 1986, "Pastor General's Report,"
Mr. Tkach informed the ministry that dance music tapes were being put
together here in Pasadena to be sent to all Church Pastors for local use.
Although we are anticipating these tapes being sent out this spring, it
looks doubtful that they will be ready by the Spring Holy Days.