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Dear Brethren in Christ,
Greetings from Nigeria!
I thought it is very needful to write and send my wholehearted
thanks to every one of you for your love to me and my family.
This you have all shown by your fastings and prayers for my
In addition, I have been inundated with numerous letters, cards,
and notes of encouragement and good wishes, and they still keep
on coming! These correspondences came from Church congregations,
families, and individuals in far-away places like the
Philippines, Canada, New Zealand, the United States of America,
Great Britain, and East and West Africa. It is not possible for
me to write every one of you personally. This is why I have
chosen the media to convey my deep-rooted thanks to you all for
such wond�rful expression of love.
I am making a steady and gradual improvement in my health. I
hope to be completely healed as time goes on, and as we continue
to pray for one another more in this evil age.
Thank you, once again, in Jesus' name.
Sincerely yours,
Elijah Chukwudi
From the Netherlands
The Dutch language members and co-workers were
saddened to learn about the death of Mr. Herbert W. Armstrong.
Armstrong was mainly known in this area through his writings.
Several of the members and co-workers have reacted in an encouraging way.
The brethren in all four Dutch-language churches, although saddened, have
expressed their loyalty and support to carry on with the commission and
the new Pastor General Mr. Joseph
Although for most Dutch brethren the name Tkach isn't easy to pronounce,
they are praying for him that God will give him the strength and guidance
in leading God's Church in the execution of the Work still ahead.
The month of January was the beginning of our 1986 advertising campaign.
Flyers were placed in the weekend edition of the TELEGRAAF, circulation
1,000,000, with a response of 2.5% at a cost of $2.68. A full-page ad was
placed on the back cover of the Belgian AUTOMOBILE ASSOCIATION MAGAZINE,
circulation 200,000, with a response of 1% at a cost of $1.14.
The total number of subscribers of "De Echte Waarheid" is now 60,000 while
the international "Good News" list has increased to 10,000.
As a result of the added number of international "Good News" readers and
article contents, several requests for visits have come in.
This has
resulted in church attendance growth in each church area.