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chances with safety when we have to store and sell them ourselves.
Therefore, the sale of fireworks is forbidden as a fundraising project in
the Church of God.
In Christian love,
Youth and Pamily In the last few weeks a number of questions have come up
about various aspects of YOU.
These include SEP, District Family
Weekends, the use of buses, dances, music tapes, etc. We will do all we
can to answer your questions and bring any needed changes to Mr. Tkach's
attention. Since Dr.· Nelson is still commuting from Big Sandy, you may
not always reach him, so feel free to direct any urgent needs to me or Mr.
Borchak. As YOU is now a part of Church Administration, we both will be
working very closely with Dr. Nelson in building the YOU program as Mr.
Tkach directs. We would all appreciate your continued suggestions and
constructive criticism on any part of the program.
Mr. Tkach has already begun to set a tone for all our youth activities by
stressing the importance of the family. While we strive for excellence in
youth activities we must be vigilant not to disrupt family life and
therefore negate all we have done.
God is .a family
And God created the human family as a ;ype of His
glorious family, soon to rule all nations. Anything we as His ministers
can do to build and strengthen the family unit glorifies our heavenly
Brethren need· to grasp the significance of these family
relationships and give them high priority. Let's not schedule the young
people or parents so tightly that the family is pulled apart in an attempt
to be enthusiastic participants in all church activities. We will discuss
this in more detail later.
SBP Applications: In the coming week SEP applications for both campers
and high-school staff will be mailed from Pasadena. All applications will
require an evaluation by you. Please note that this evaluation is VERY
IMPORTANT to us. This year any applicant you do not recommend will NOT be
accepted. So, please consider these young people carefully, and give us
your candid remarks. Do not send us young people who are problem youth in
your area or who will be disruptive to the camp program. SEP is NOT a
rehabilitation camp. We want to create an atmosphere conducive to real
growth among those teens who are willing to be led and taught. Problems
such as smoking, drinking, homosexuality, drug abuse, etc. are better
handled by the local minister.
Any comments you wish to make on the
application will be welcome.
Camper II applicants must be 15 years old by January 1, 1986.
strive for an April 1 deadline for returning the applications.