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pertinent topics anyway, fully aware that some responses will
naturally be lower than others.
If we are not careful we can
erroneously begin to expect that if a record is not broken every week,
then something is wrong.
I have asked Mr. Richard Rice to
some of the factors that affect response in next week's issue of the
"Pastor General's Report." But these high responses do show us that
our viewing audience has not diminished, and, in fact, seems to be
growing. In some cases, individuals who never really took Mr. Herbert
Armstrong's telecasts seriously nave told us that they are now worried
about what they may have missed and are viewing "The World Tomorrow"
with renewed interest.
As plans stand, Mr. David Hulme will present the first four
programs (through February 23) and Dr. David Albert will appear on
March 2nd and March 9th.
Mr. Hulme will return for the March 16th
program, and Mr. Richard Ames will air March 23rd and 30th.
Mr. Hulme has expressed his deep appreciation for all your
support and prayers because, as his Refresher class points out, this
Work is not done by might (of men) nor by power (of men), but by the
Spirit of God.
Please remember Dr. Albert and Mr. Ames as their
taping begins the same week you receive this issue of the "Pastor
General's Report."
Also--I can't stress this enough--pray for the television crew.
God has greatly blessed their labor and dedication these past few
Literally hundreds of hours go into each program after the
taping of the speaker.
The TV crew is shorthanded, and a lot of
overtime is going into these programs. We need additional qualified
personnel for the staff and the budget to hire them. Let's ask God to
provide both. This is His Work. He will provide our needs as long as
we do our part.
Keep up the good work.
Your labor of love in your various
responsibilities and your faithful prayers are deeply appreciated.
And to you wives I must mention how much I know God appreciates the
tremendous part each of you plays in the success of your husband's
ministry. My earnest and heartfelt prayers are with you all.
With deep love and appreciation,
Hymnal Record Forms
Church ·pastors will find included with this
"Pastor General's Report" two sheets having the title "1986 Hymnal
Record." The first sheet covers the first six months of the year, the
second the second six months.
We hav� used similar sheets in the