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Only 15 percent of Americans use their seat belts, yet that amount of
usage alone saves more than 1,800 lives a year. If another 10 percent
buckled up, 1,200 more lives would be saved. If 80 percent of the
people in passenger cars would wear their seat belts, almost 10,000
lives would be spared on our highways every year. It takes only a
couple of seconds--but those seconds could turn out to be the most
important of your life.
Car Seats Can Save Your Child's Life Of the more than 1,500 children
under 15 years old who die in motor vehicle collisions every year in
the United States, those under the age of 6 months hav·e the highest
death rate--9 per 100,000. That's double the death rate for 1-year­
olds. The death rate decreases until age 6 where it levels to about 3
per 100,000 for children 6 through 12. More states are passing laws
that mandate restraint systems for children under the age of 5.
Children strapped into car seats have been removed unharmed from cars
that have been in severe collisions.
KnOlf Your Lillitations In addition:
Identify your limitations--both
mental and physical--as well as the mechanical limitations of your
vehicle. Then drive within those limits. You will be better able to
avoid and prevent accidents. And remember, both you and your vehicle's
limitations can and will be affected by outside stimuli such as stress,
wear and tear, weather, road conditions, etc. To drive properly and
safely,. you must know your limitations and drive accordingly.
--Dean May, Fleet Administration
•chunne1• Plan Selected
Monday, January 20, was an historic--and
in Europe.
Meeting in Lille, France, Prime
Minister Margaret Thatcher of Britain and President Fran�ois Mitterrand
of France announced approval of an enormous $6.6 billion project to
realize an age-old engineering dream--a fixed link underneath the
English Channel. Of the four final proposals presented to them, the
two leaders selected, as the most logical and easily attainable, a
scheme of twin railroad tunnels. When the project is ready for� in
1993, the tunnels will carry both through passenger and freight traffic
as well as portal-to-portal automobile service on specially designed
shuttle trains.
When construction begins in mid-1987 on the twin 31-mile tunnels 131
feet beneath the seabed, it will represent, said Mr. Mitterrand, "the
largest civil engineering project of the 20th century.• No underwater
tunnels of greater length have ever been completed. Mrs. Thatcher saw
more than engineering magnitudes in the project.
She said it
symbolized that •the United Kingdom is part of the whole of Europe."
(Commitment to Europe's economic and now physical unity is important to
the British since, in their view, there are practical limits to
political unity.)
A day before the announcement, Brian Mooney in a
REUTERS dispatch from London analyzed the significance of the channel
tunnel in terms of history and national attitudes: