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Mr. Clifton Charles and wife Pearl serve the church of more than 550.
Mr. Charles is assisted by Mr. Lincoln Jailal and Mr. Mikey Mongul, a
local church elder. In addition to the Port-of-Spain congregation, Mr.
Charles is responsible for a church in Tobago and one in Grenada. Even
though Trinidad is officially in a depression, the brethren are doing
well and are not unduly plagued by unemployment.
--Joseph Tkach, Church Administration
In order to expedite the efficient delivery of the cassette album
orders to U.S. members, Mr. Tkach has approved mailing in bulk to the
church areas.
To facilitate distribution to the members, we would
appreciate your delegation of the task to a responsible individual.
Prior to receiving a U.P.S. shipment for your church area, you will
receive a letter confirming what is being shipped, including a break­
down of the names of brethren who have made orders and a description of
the type and quantity of each oi;:der. Please note that the shipment
includes only back orders from the various U.S. Feast sites. Orders
placed since the Feast are being handled as promptly as possible and
are being shipped individually.
Please direct any questions or problems that arise to Mr. Rick Peterson
or Mr. Joe McNair at Music Services in Pasadena. Thank you so much for
your help in this matter. Not only will this process save a consider­
able amount of individual shipping costs but the delivery time will be
considerably shorter.
Audio Cassette Albums
Due to the overwhelming response to our offer of Young
Ambassadors' cassette albums, and also the choral and piano
albums of the Bible Hymnal, it has taken more time than
originally planned to fill all the orders received this past
Feast. We are happy to announce that, by the end of December,
all orders will have been shipped.
In most cases we are
bulk-shipping to the church pastors who will then arrange to
distribute the albums as soon as possible.
Please resist the temptation to write or call regarding the
whereabouts of your order. Rest assured they are "in the
mail." If any brethren have not received their orders by the
end of January then there may be cause for inquiry.
appreciate your patience and wish you many hours of listening
--Ross Jutsum, Music Services