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A vocal critic of the movement is Harold Ezell, Western regional director
of the INS. The outspoken Mr. Ezell, a former business executive, has
been conducting an aggressive but losing battle against illegal aliens.
Ezell was in the L.A. City Council chambers when the vote was taken.
·This is going to send a message to all of South America and all of the
other countries that if you can get here, pay whatever you got to pay,
then you're O.K•••• It's an absolute mistake for the city of Los Angeles.
I think we have Ca situation] tantamount to a city council trying to be
their own immigration and naturalization service.•
One of the city
councilmen accused Ezell of •fanning the flame of prejudice and
(The same councilman has railed against •hysteria• in the
AIDS crisis, too.)
Ezell's offices have been aggressive at rounding up illegals.
He has
even gone after illegals who win primary rounds in California's State
Lottery and who appear on the Lottery's •big spin• 'rV programs (where
first-round winners spin a wheel for bigger prizes). It's amazing how
many contestants speak only Spanish and need interpreters on the program.
Says the beleaguered INS executive:
•If we can get mad about drunk
drivers, why can't we get mad about regaining our borders? The reason
why you have control of immigration is that you can assimilate a certain
number of people every year into your culture, into the American way,
into America, America's life-style. If you flood or you overdose your
culture or your society then you have chaos, you don't have a culture
anymore•••• In my opinion, illegal immigration will destroy what we know
as a free society in the next five to 10 years••••
Teen Pregnancy
Epidelli.c Los Angeles is leading the way in another field,
too. The Los Angeles school board recently voted 6 to 1 to establish a
model high school health clinic that will offer birth control information
and contraceptives.
The board also specified that students who seek
birth control information and devices at the clinic must obtain •full and
informed" parental consent, although it was unclear whether the school
district has the legal right to make the consent mandatory. casting the
lone vote against the clinic was board member David Armor, who said it
would only encourage teenagers to engage in premarital sex and exacerbate
already high rates of pregnancy and sexually transmitted diseases.
The December 9 issue of TIME magazine featured as its cover story the
article •children Having Children.• Here are just a few excerpts (you
may wish to obtain a photocopy of the article at your library):
If present trends continue, researchers estimate, fully 40
percent of today's 14-year-old girls will be pregnant at least
once before the age of 20•••• Chicago's DuSable High School•••,
which serves one of the nation's poorest neighborhoods, is
battling a veritable epidemic:
each year about one-third of
its 1,000 female students are pregnant••••
Teen pregancy imposes lasting hardships on two generations:
parent and child. Teen mothers are, for instance, many times
as likely as other women with young children to live below the
poverty level.... As infants, the offspring of teen mothers
have high rates of illness and mortality. Later in life, they
often experience educational and emotional problems.... With
disadvantage creating disadvantage, it is no wonder that teen