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where certain people are going to take over the Church and Mr. Wayne
Cole is going to lead it.
came to
just by happenstance today,
to kind of reconfirm everything that happened here as we were going
to court.
Another thing really hit home after we worked all through one night
preparing everything to go to court to get the Receiver put out. Now,
remember, the Receiver was appointed by the State. He came in, and
after certain consultations with Mr. Cole he appointed Mr. Cole, and
reconfirms or puts his appointment in as head of the Church because
Mr. Armstrong has been put "out of the Church." So Mr. Cole is in
the top spot of the Church, the leader, and who put him in, now? The
The Receiver was the one who did the appointing, remember now? Okay,
so now we have a different man in charge of the Church and they were
having lunch together, and all of a sudden, Mr. Cole was telling every­
body, "Now look, you cooperate with this Receiver. You do exactly what
he wants. Remember,the Receiver is running the Church now, both
spiritually and physically, right? And you obey that Receiver." But
Mr. LaRavia says, "No, listen. We can't do that. You know, Mr.
Armstrong's in charge of this Church." And the assistant Attorney
General, what did he have the gall to say? He not only said Mr. Arm­
strong was out, he said, "This institution has been too autocratic in
the past." He said, "Henceforth, we're going to run it more along
traditional lines"!
Now, can you imagine that?! That is like somebody going into the
Catholic Church and voting for the Pope. That's pretty ridiculous!
That is like him saying, "The whole Catholic church didn't vote for
the pope so I am going to take over the Catholic Church!"
I tell you, this is so mind-boggling for anybody who's ever studied
constitutional law that one simply can't believe it. But, anyway,
that was the essence and tone of the statement and that was what was
not going to be permitted. And that
where the battle came and the
catalyst came as he appointed Mr. Cole.
Further, I found out another piece of the puzzle today. Mr. Antion
and Mr. Cole had called Mr. Herbert Armstrong and said, "Say, Mr. Rader
and.Mr. Helge and others have got this attorney (Mr. Browne and they're
all going te go to court to try to have this Receiver removed--to
get him out of here." That call of theirs was kind of strange. Mr.
Armstrong wa• told, "You shouldn't do that. They (Rader and Helge)
have got some bum attorney and they don't quite know what they're doing
so you should rescind their actions and keep that Receiver in there."
Mr. Herbert Armstrong was given an ultimatum. They said, "Mr. Armstrong,
you'd better keep that Receiver in there--the one already chosen, or
else you're going to be out!" That's the ultimatum.
And Mr. Armstrong
said, "Look, we will participate willingly in any investigation. If it
says we've committed a fraud, they can look at our records." But he
went on to say, "I'm not going to retreat one inch if they think they're
going to run the Church!" And he hung up because he wasn't going to
accept any ultimatum!