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East German leader Erich Honecker sent his best wishes. The
Italian and Israeli ambassador�presented theirs in
More than 3,000 Bavarian musicians paid their
respects en masse.
Some 300 mountaineers from the various
Alpine hunting clubs in Bavaria and South Tyrol fired a
salute with their carbines. The BAYERN KURIER, his party's
newspaper, devoted 70 pages to pictures and reportage about
every state of Strauss's development, from precocious altar
boy who insisted on knowing what the Latin mass meant to star
pupil at the renowned Maximilianeum School to almost­
[Gold and silver coins were even minted in
Bavaria to mark the anniversary.]
The impression is clearly conveyed that Herr Strauss remains a powerful
figure whose time either has not yet come--or the responsibility to
match his enormous energies and talents has not yet been created.
Green Light for Senator Kennedy?
Here's another political personality
to keep track of. According to syndicated columnist Carl T. Rowan CLOS
AR;ELES TIMES, September 19) the senior senator from Massachusetts has
all but thrown his hat into the 1988 Presidential ring:
I had a private luncheon with Senator Edward M. Kennedy this
week, and left his home certain of this: The 53-year-old
Massachusetts Democrat is going to run for President in
During two hours of conversation, Kennedy made it
clear that he is "concerned" about where the nation is
heading in terms of arms control, foreign policy in general,
civil rights, trade policy and more. And he is troubled by
the rot that has been spreading within his party•••• Kennedy
is embracing the idea that he can save both his party and
the nation••••
The luncheon talk led me to a conclusion that Kennedy
doesn't see anyone else within the Democratic Party with the
charisma and the record on the issues•••• No, not Gary Hart,
not Mario Cuomo, not anyone else now being mentioned•••• So
the last possible President of "the Kennedy dynasty" is
inclined to run because•••he thinks that he can beat any of
the Republicans who are already campaigning for the 1988
nomination•••• Trust me, Ted Kennedy is not out front in the
Senate on the issues of South African sanctions, arms
control, peace in Central America, immigration reforms and
even "Republican" issues like budget reduction and a
presidential line-item veto just because he likes to work
Canada's Changing Makeup
In the last "On the World Scene," we ran
several articles describing the changing demographic makeup in some of
the leading modern day nations of Joseph--Britain, the United States
and Australia. America's northern neighbor is also affected by this
altered state of affairs. In the October 28, 1985 issue of MACLEAN'S
(Canada's leading newsweekly), there appeared a column written by
Barbara Amiel entitled "Canadians as Endangered Species." The issue
involves not only the influx of nonnorthwestern European immigrants,