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Basic HTML Version

Greg s. Smith, responsible for the graphic design of the book, just
returned Wednesday, October 23, from a press-color check of the
softbound version. The cover is being printed in York, Pennsylvania,;
the interior in Fairfield, Pennsylvania.
The same specially mixed
royal-purple ink is being used, with the title embossed in gold foil.
The inch-thick softbound edition has 336 pages.
This book will be
offered in next month's semiannual letter to "Plain Truth" subscribers
who are not members or co-workers. Those in that category on the "Good
News" mail ing list have already received the same offer.
PT Circulation
Some interesting information from Mail Processing:
"Plain Truth" circulation worldwide, now just under eight million,
represents an average growth rate of 22 percent a year for this front­
line publication of God's Work. We can certainly be grateful for such
phenomenal growth in the last 52 years. During the Feast I learned
that "Plain Truth" subscriptions in Sri Lanka are higher than those of
"Reader's Digest," "Time" and "Newsweek" combined in that country.
March PT In our March "Plain Truth" planning session, Herman L. Hoeh,
"PT" editor, wrapped up the February issue with a cover article, by
Mike Snyder on Halley's comet, that will point to what really does
predict the future--God's Word. Articles for March include "Mystery of
Israel," chapter 5 of Mr. Armstrong's book, and Mr. Armstrong's new
booklet "Are We in the Last Days?"
Also tentatively scheduled are articles on teen pregnancy, showing that
both boys and girls suffer from permissive sex, "Canada's Nuclear
Dilemma" by Neil Earle, "New Covenant--Does It Abolish God's Laws?" by
Ron Kelly ahd "The Real Root of Bitterness" by Jeff Zhorne, which will
analyze what is really going wrong in relations between the races.
Article Clayton Steep's article in October titled "What Most Taxpayers
Have Not Been Told" brought this interesting response: "As a retired
CPA•••and a Roman Catholic, it disgusts me to see how many of my
religious persuasion believe they liquidate their obligations to God by
dropping a one-dollar bill in the collection plate on Sundays, knowing
they spend well over one dollar for a package of cigarettes•••a can of
beer, and from $1.75 up for a cocktail•••• I trust God will look
favorably when I reach the judgment seat•••that I was fortunate enough
to make contributions of 26.79% of my income to church and other
charitable organizations."
Feast Reports
We appreciate Festival coordinators turning in your
reports to "The Worldwide News" so soon. Eighty-nine out of 92 sites
are in. Our goal is 100 percent coverage for our November 4 issue.
--Dexter Faulkner, Editorial Services
Get-Well Cards Get-well cards are flooding in to Mr. Armstrong from
all over the world. Members are deeply concerned about his health and
wrote to assure him of their continued prayers. Some had never written