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18, 1985
There may be some delays in routine literature mailings.
visit requests and other key items are being given top priority and
processed as soon as possible.
WATS callbacks
Every week, dozens of subscribers phone in on the WATS
lines with simple Bible questions, health or personal problems and
prayer requests.
They leave their phone numbers and ask to be
contacted by a minister.
The ministers who return these calls are well-trained and work under
the supervision of the Personal Correspondence Department to ensure
that everyone speaks with one voice. These men make short calls to
individuals pointing them to further literature and, when appropriate,
to the minister in their area.
Most people are very grateful to
receive a call from Pasadena. They appreciate the care and concern
shown to them. Many exclaim: •You mean you are calling all the way
from California? That's very thoughtful of you1•
Calling the person is often more effective than writing a letter.
Moreover, it even costs the Work less in time and money. over the
past four years, about 5,000 callbacks have been made. Currently, we
average about 50 such calls per week.
Outstanding Letters
Here are a few outstanding letters received
recently that will be of particular interest to the ministry.
Skeptic Convinced After 20 Years
I am a skeptic--a real skeptic. I have been receiving •the
Plain Truth• and •Good News• magazines plus many books and
booklets, also the •Ambassador Bible Correspondence Course"
ever since May
That is over 20 years and it has
always been "free" to me.
When I first read that my subscription had been paid for--I
did not believe that. I expected any time to be pressured
into sending a donation to •the Plain Truth" magazine--but
that request for money from me NEVER did come--not even at
this date. So I am finally convinced, the literature from
the Worldwide Church of God is absolutely free1 My sub­
scription has been paid for.
So now I want to pay for someone else's subscription. This
I am doing of
own free will. It is still hard to believe
but it is true. The Word of God, presented by Mr. Herbert
Armstrong, is FREE.
San Francisco, California
Young Ambassadors vs. Rock Music
Quite often in
life, I listen to popular music.
voices are so powerful and the music seems like pure magic.
I've heard about the teaching of Satan being behind this
type of music. I never thought it to be true. But the sun
will set today, and I will have a different mind completely.