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Coming in the PT In our planning session for the February issue, we
discussed several other articles that will run in the first few months
of 1986. Mr. Ronald Kelly toured some steel plants in the Pittsburgh,
Pa., area just before the Feast, taking photographs and gathering
information for an article on the smokestack industries. Mr. John
Ross Schroeder is doing research in Britain for Mr. Kelly's article.
Also discussed was an article on Britain's Queen Mother. It will be
50 years next year since the abdication crisis in Britain.
Youth 85 Stats In the "Youth" magazine, we are gearing up for our
sixth year. Those who were 13 years old when they received their
first issue of "Youth 81" will be about 18 when January's "Youth 86
reaches them. Added to those first subscribers are more than 200,000
other subscribers, including more than 60,000 libraries.
Survey A "most admired person" or "hero" survey in the August issue
generated more than 500 responses from teens around the world. So far
the most admired by "Youth 85" readers are God, Jesus Christ, their
parents and Mr. Armstrong.
We thought you might enjoy several comments from our readers in
response to the survey:
"I chose Mr. Armstrong as. my No. 1 hero because of all he
has done for me.
I belong to YOU and, besides all the
guidance and fun activities provided there, the ministers
Mr. Armstrong trained in Ambassador College are teaching my
family and me how to live the way God says to. This causes
so many blessings that I can't even begin to list them.
What I am trying to say is that he is a great hero of mine."
British Columbia
"The three people I look up to the most--the people I
admire, my 'heroes'--are very simple:
I would like to become more like my
father because he is understanding, he is brave and because
he is a very hard worker.
"Second, my mother. Why? Because she is so easy to love,
to talk to, she listens to everything I have to say, to all
my ideas.
"Third, is Mr. Armstrong himself. Be is so full of energy
in spite of his age.
Be is outgoing and interested in
everything and everyone. Be's unique!!
"If somehow I could combine my 'heroes' into my own characĀ­
ter I think I would be a pleasant person to know simply
because my 'heroes' are very pleasant people to know!"