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the Feast, but we will not be able to get ministers in to conduct
services. There is also the likelihood that the Feast site will be
commandeered by the military for their own use. Mr. Brown wrote, •This
is a great pity as we had anticipated an attendance of about 85 and it
would have been the first time a full eight-day Feast had been held
there.• We look forward with great zeal to the day when the government
of God will rule the earth and everyone will be able to keep the Feast
in perfect peace! More details of Mr. Brown's trip will appear in the
next issue of •The Worldwide News.•
The recent coup in Nigeria occurred without affecting our members
Mr. David Stirk, who assists Mr. Brown in overseeing the
African churches, reported: •Nigeria has been going through a period of
austerity, which has brought considerable distress to its inhabitants.
This in turn has seriously damaged the income of the work in Nigeria.
It is hoped that this new government will ease the burden of its
peoples a little, thus enabling its economy to revive somewhat and with
it, God willing, the work's income.•
We need to be praying for God's work in Nigeria, as the financial
situation is still bleak. Mr• .St!dt also reported that Mr. Elijah
Chukwudi seems to be steadily recuperating. Mr. Chukwudi is grateful
for our prayers and asks that we continue to remember him.
I'd also like to request that you pray for Mrs. Robin Hulme. Though
she has been gravely ill for several weeks, her spirits are high as she
remains faithful and steadfast, relying on God for His promise of
healing. Please join all of us at Headquarters in asking God for His
I hope and pray that all of you have a wonderful Feast of Tabernacles!
Please continue praying for those who will be speaking, as well as for
the safety and protection of God's people at the 93 Feast sites in 51
countries. Remember to pray for Mr. Armstrong's live message on the
first Holy Day, both for him and for the successful transmission of his
message to all receiving sites.
Mr. Armstrong and all of us here at Headquarters deeply appreciate your
continued faithful support and hard work as you yield yourselves to God
in His service.
P.S. As we go to press, the latest word we have received about the
massive earthquake off the west coast of central Mexico is that
Acapulco was spared major damage and that the Feast site there is still
•go.• Also, our office manager in Mexico City, Mr. Tom Turk, is safe.
We do not yet have word on how our members in the affected areas have
fared. Please pray for God's protection and safety for them.
To Be Announced In All Churches
Because of shortages of Bible hymnals at some Festival sites,
the Festival Office reminds us that all brethren should take
their personally owned hymnals with them to the Feast. we
appreciate your cooperation in this matter.