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thanks from readers. Some said the article helped turn around their
ailing marriages. Even a few single people mentioned the article led
them to set new goals in overcoming. Here are a few of these letters:
My husband read in the August "Good News" "Sweeten Your
Marriage With the Fruits of the Spirit." He is a changed
person, willing to admit he was married to himself for 21
years. He now insists on living by the fruits of the Spirit
with me, his wife. This article deserves a special award 1
So from the bottom of my heart to the top, a big THANK YOU!
Breaox Bridge, Louisiana
I just received my August "Good News" and I didn't put it
down until I had read every article. I'm so grateful to the
Eternal for the nutritious spiritual food He provides for us
from our spiritual "health food store"--Headquarters,
Pasadena. When I glanced through the "Good News," I saw the
article, "Sweeten Your Marriage With the Fruits of the
Spirit." Since I'm no longer married I said to myself, I
don't need to waste time reading that, so I skipped it. But
after finishing all the other articles, I decided to go back
and read it. How glad I am for making that decision! The
article is super, even though one is not married. I learned
so much about the fruits of the Spirit.
San Antonio, Texas
I just finished "Sweeten Your Marriage With the Fruits of the
Spirit," by Earl H. Williams.
Thank you so much for this
My marriage has been deteriorating to the point
that my wife feels like she has no love for me. She says she
wants to but doesn't know how.
My prayers have been
answered, and now it lies on my shoulders to correct the
problem by showing real love with the fruits of the Spirit.
Thank you, Mr. Armstrong, for the love you continue to show
by giving us these articles through God's Work.
Houston, Texas
Please convey many thanks to Mr. Earl H. Williams for a fanĀ­
tastic article.
I have read, highlighted, underlined and
reread it. I'm trying to follow the guidelines as my husband
isn't in the Church, and I need all the help I can get.
Fort Wayne, Indiana
--Richard Rice, Mail Processing Center
First, let's take a "pre-Feast" look at world trouble spots.
we'll explore what is shaping up as the No. 1 political issue in the