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"Stan, I know you have done these things to help and serve the Work,
and to help me. I love you as a son as you well know. I have accepted
such things as moving into Ted's former office, as trying to most
efficiently serve the Work.
"But actually, the letter quoted above is mild compared to things I've
ON YOUR INTEGRITY." (That's all in caps by Mr. Armstrong.) "I don't
hear any more reflections against your good character. But I do hear
that people believe you are pushing your way in to take over.
"But no matter how false, God says we should avoid even the appearance
of wrong and avoid causing little ones to stumble. Even though I do
not feel as if I were over 45 years of age, people do look at that 86
plus figure. And most people do feel that anyone past 60 is old, and
past 70 is sure to die any moment.
"I know and you know that I will go on living as long as God needs and
wants me to live. But the little ones out there seem unable to see that.
I know, Stan, that this is the general attitude in view of the ministry,
and brethren, generally, around the country. I have been assured of it
from coordinators and ministers from widely scattered areas. And,
although I think we have cleared any false charges against your personal
integrity, they do look on you as an attorney, familiar with finance
and business, and not as a shepherd over God's flock.
"So what I propose is this, that we go back to the status as it was
prior to Ted's departure, that you resign from administrative responĀ­
sibilities in the Church and the College, but continue as Vice-President,
executive Vice-President for the Foundation, as my personal assistant
and advisor, as our auditor, CPA and legal counsel, and of course,
perhaps most important of all, continue with me in the Great Commission
overseas. It might even look better for the Church to pay you an
annual retainer for legal counsel, financial advisor, etc., subject
to additional billing where warranted, and the Foundation to pay you
also a salary or fee, as you think best. I do want you and NEED YOU"
(in caps) "to continue as my personal assistant and advisor, especially
in projects such as our overseas and marketing of my books.
"Stan, I believe this will remove the last remaining serious threat to
the Work of the Great Commission. I know that if we do what Christ
leaves for us to do, and as I know He has led me in the above, the
living Christ will preserve His Church and Work, will bless you and me
and all in the Church, and lead us to gloriously fihish the Great
"With deepest love in Jesus' Name."
I picked up the phone that evening and told Mr. Armstrong, of course,
I was in complete accord. And.we discussed the person that we would
bring back to fill the office that I would resign from. And we settled
on Mr. Frank Brown, who for years had been here. I helped train him.
And we agreed that we would probably make the announcement sometime
during the ministerial conference, or at the time of the annual board