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They have fought him within the organization in a wrong way.
tried to undermine him. They've tried to circumvent him, and
they've gone outside and they've established their own church
this Church.
to fight
Within God's law, then, the main commodity that is necessary as a human
characteristic becomes what? One word--LOYALTY. Loyalty to the
government of God! That is the main commodity, as long as you already
know it's God's Church; as long as you know that whatever you're being
asked to do, and what Mr. Armstrong is doing, is within God's law.
You may not understand every detail of it, but it's within God's law
and he continues to do God's Work.
In a crisis situation, what is the one thing God expects of you and
looks for in you more than anything else? LOYALTY! It really is,
brethren, and I hope you can realize that and meditate on that deeply.
Well, brethren, I hope all of us want to strengthen ourselves with
Mr. Armstrong, and strengthen ourselves with Jesus Christ and strengthen
ourselves with our Father by showing loyalty in a time of crisis,
because that's what we're in, and this is the situation that we're
facing right now. So let's do that, and let's really have that attitude.
Satan has a kingdom. He has a government. But the message in Matthew
the 12th chapter is that everything, every institution, every house,
every nation, every church that is divided against itself cannot stand.
And brethren, if we allow ourselves to be bitter, to be upset, to be
accusative in a wrong way of the decisions of Jesus Christ through
his apostle, not bringing it up loyally and patiently and helpfully,
but in a way that creates hysteria, in a way that creates division;
then we, of course, are obviously direct contributors to that division.
And we've got to try not to do that, but to be loyal, and not try to
second-guess Mr. Armstrong in the government of God. We do not want a
house divided, and we must not have that kind of house, and I'm sure
that if our attitudes are right we will not.
Another little word of caution along that line is back in Proverbs
the 13th chapter. "He that keeps his mouth keeps his life. But he that
opens wide his lips shall have destruction.'' Brethren, I think that
of all times this is a time to give very careful consideration to what
we say and how we say it.
Our actions and our words and our works over the next several days,
especially, are going to show God where a lot of us stand and whether
we are willing to trust Mr. Armstrong and his judgment and his wisdom
in these affairs, and whether or not we, as God's true servants,
are willing to have faith in the leadership of Christ and stand fast
in a time of trial and a time of test and a time of seige in the Work
of God. Let's do that brethren and let's show loyalty in every way to
Mr. Armstrong and to God's government.
I want to read something that I've just now received. This is a letter
signed by Mr. Armstrong and the ink is fresh, I see. It's not a
printed signature. I didn't know what was corning, I tell you before
God and Christ. I had no idea anything was coming until this thing
came up and I'm going to have to, I see, skimming this, do something that