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God Heals Many Who Express Faith in His Promise to Heal
Every week, dozens of people write to the Church seeking help and counsel
for their illnesses and afflictions. As a result of their contact with "The
WORLD TOMORROW" program and our literature, they recognize that God is
working through Mr. Armstrong and the Church.
Requests come from members, co-workers and regular subscribers of nearly
all ages wanting God's deliverance from their sicknesses and injuries. A
large percentage is from elderly people suffering from long-term diseases.
Increasingly the requests are coming from WATS callers, some of whom are
contacting God's Church for the first time.
Personal Correspondence sends letters of encouragement and literature on
faith and healing. Anointed cloths are sent to those who express faith in
God's promise to heal. Last year 2,301 anointed cloths were sent out. So
far this year, the count is 1,065.
Of the people God heals, a number write back to express their joy and grati­
tude. Following are a few of the letters we have received:
Thanks a lot for your letter of July 13, 1984 along with the
anointed cloth, as well as THE PLAIN TRUTH ABOUT HEALING•••• I'm
glad to inform you that from the very day we received your letter
my wife felt better. Now she is feeling better and better every
day. God has performed a miracle for my wife. Thank God. We do
believe that God, I repeat, only God, can heal the sick.
V.G. (Kuwait)
I wanted to tell you about the prayer cloth that I asked you for.
I had suffered very much for two weeks. The day I got out to mail
my ietter to you, I was very weak and had to go around the corner
to get to the mailbox. Anyhow, I made it out there and the very
second that letter got out of my hands, all the pain that I had
suffered from was gone.
Mrs. L.B. (Rainelle, WV)
I wrote you back in the year of 1950 or 1951, I don't remember
which. I was sick for so long. I fell, broke my back and was
paralyzed. I wrote you for prayer. You prayed for me and sent me
a prayer cloth. The doctor gave me only a 50-50 chance to live.
I have already lived about 34 years since I got hurt, although I
do have muscle cramps quite a lot. I am sorry I have been so long
in writing you. I lost your address, so I am writing you now and
saying thanks to you and all of those good people for your
J.B. (Grapevine, TX)
I wrote you about six weeks ago that I needed healing of my right
foot because my foot was so stiff and sore I could hardly walk on
it. A couple of weeks after I wrote you, I received a reply from
you containing a white healing cloth. I followed the instruc­
tions with the cloth and about ten days later, my foot was about
95 percent normal.
To say the least, I was astounded. I have read and heard about
other people being healed, but this was my first personal experi-