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one. Many more people were able to get through on their first attempt,
which undoubtedly contributed to this last weekend's record. Through our
"WATS in-home operator program," 85 members took 1,100 calls.
The identity of the American and British peoples in aible prophecy has al­
ways fascinated our audience. Many callers indicated that this particular
program caught their interest and attention even more than others. Follow­
ing are a few brief comments:
The program enlightened me in a lot of areas. That book has been
out a long time and I didn't know about it--I would have re­
quested it long ago! I can't wait to get the book.
D. K. (KY)
Mr. Armstrong's program catches my interest because he gives more
understandable history from the Bible than I find most anywhere
else. He doesn't "mystify" it like other churches.
C.M. (Washington, DC)
I want to read about the United States and Britain so I'll under­
stand their origins. You don't know about these things unless
you read what someone who has studied about it has written.
B.H. -(NY)
I'm a commercial airline ·pilot. I used to hear Mr. Armstrong
when I was driving home after my shift. I would say I've heard
him for over 15 years. Today's program about who we are and where
we come from really fascinated me, so I decided to call in.
0.B. (OH)
I thought the program was very interesting. I've seen Mr. Arm­
strong's programs a few times but never really paid attention to
them. Tonight's program really got my attention!
W. F. (CA)
Excellent Response to Illustrated June Co-worker Letter
After a week and a half, 8,163 members and 8,346 co-workers have responded
to Mr. Armstrong's June letter. The response from co-workers (14.9%) is
the fourth highest for all letters since 1979; from members, it is the sixth
highest response for that period (20.0%).
Many commented that Mr. Armstrong's statements again reminded them of how
close we are to the end of this age. They said they would rededicate them­
selves to-more prayer and Bible study so as not to become "lukewarm." Many
are concerned about the need for more ministers, and even sent special of­
Several also mentioned that the illustrations that appeared in the letter
were very effective and added much to its impact. Following are a few of
the comments we received:
Thank you for your recent letter reminding us once again of the
very reason and purpose of our calling and God's purpose in
creating the human race. As we watch world events and troubles