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earth in God's sight, are the only ones whom God has called out of the dark­
ness of this Satan-ruled world. What a shame it would be for any of us to
begin to allow "just a little" of the devil's ways and attitudes to begin to
creep into our lives, gradually snuffing out the light of the glorious
Gospel that God has so mercifully allowed to shine on us.
On another important matter, I'd like to request your prayers on behalf of
Dr. William Kessler, who is suffering from some of the symptoms of dia­
betes. I know he and his wife, Dee, will deeply appreciate your prayers.
Also, please ask God to intervene on behalf of Mrs. Carrol Miller, who is
suffering from cancer. They, too, would appreciate your fervent prayers.
Thank you for remembering both these serious situations, and also for your
continuing prayers for Mr. Armstrong and God's congregations around the
International News
From Dr.- Roy McCarthy We have just passed the halfway mark of 1985 and it
is good to look at what has been accomplished in Southern Africa so far this
year, and to look at the prospects for the future.
The PLAIN TRUTH continues to be our main tool for spreading the Gospel of
Jesus Christ in this region. To date, we have added 78,948 new subscribers.
Circulation is presently 219,553, with an additional 82,000 magazines dis­
tributed on newsstands. GOOD NEWS circulation is 14,500 and growing.
This year has been designated the Year of Youth in South Africa. We have
taken this opportunity to offer YOUTH 85 to libraries throughout the coun­
try. We are presently sending YOUTH 85 subscriptions to 1,750 high school
libraries and 800 public libraries. Total circulation is 4,585.
At the end of the first half of the year, our income reflects the present
recession in the country. Our operating account stands at a 5.5% increase
over the first half of 1984.
With the regional office now in Cape Town, we recently began dealing with
the Cape Town office of BBDO, our advertising agency. They are presently
working on proposals for national magazine advertising in South Africa,
Zimbabwe, Zambia and Mauritius.
The latest response figures to our advertisements in READER'S DIGEST are as
follows: February, 19,055; April, 12,343; June, 6,794.
Recently, I visited a number of prospective members in South West Africa
(Namibia), and was able to baptize three people, thus doubling our member­
ship in this area.
There also have been three ordinations recently. On Pentecost, Mr. Malcolm
Lee was ordained a local church elder in the Johannesburg central church.
On June 15 Mr. Colin Curtis of the Durban church was ordained a local church