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gram has been quite successful and is proving to be of particular help dur­
ing the summer, when many student operators are away from Pasadena.
"In-home" operators have been carefully selected from local churches in
Southern California.
In most cases they have already had considerable
training and experience in taking calls here on campus. In addition, an
intensive training program has been instituted, including several classes
conducted by our WATS supervisors. These training sessions are held right
in members' homes and include an in-depth slide presentation, audio cas­
settes and reference notebooks. Our own staff demonstrates how to take
literature requests by answering actual calls.
Thus far, 4,300 calls have been taken by 130 operators. Those asked to
serve are excited about this unique opportunity. As the response to the
telecast continues to increase, the in-home operator program may be ex­
panded to Church areas across the country.
Updated Index of Church Literature
The latest Literature Index, in two parts, is included with this PASTOR
GENERAL'S REPORT. It lists all currently available books, booklets and re­
print articles by literature code and subject. Please take the time to be­
come familiar with this index and discard any previous ones you have in your
possession. Some publications on older lists are now out of print.
This index is for your personal use. Please do not post, duplicate or lend
it to others. We always try to fill any reasonable requests for our publi­
cations, but when long lists of literature are requested, postage and pro­
cessing costs increase considerably. Moreover, Mr. Armstrong has always
·felt that people should receive only a limited number of publications per
request so they can properly study and absorb the information given.
Changes in this list will be regularly announced in the PASTOR GENERAL'S
REPORT. We will be sending a revised Literature Index to all ministers once
a year. Thanks for your help.
On the Lighter Side
Of the thousands of letters and calls generated by "The WORLD TOMORROW"
program, some are very amusing and humorous. Following is a collection of
our most recent colorful comments we thought you'd find enjoyable:
I bought my husband a new TV for the bedroom just so I could watch
Mr. Armstrong on Sunday nights! (But don't tell my husband. He
thinks I bought the TV just for him!)
Mrs. J.B. (Sherman Oaks, CA)
I try to listen to the program every week even though my church
doesn't allow me to.
E.L. {Brooklyn, NY)
I remember arguing with my husband one night. Mr. Armstrong came
on the air, and we both quit arguing and started listening. It
stopped our arguing. Mr. Armstrong doesn't yell and scream. In­
stead, he speaks plainly and is very understandable.
I.D. {Bronx, NY)