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ing about the contents of your letter, we are sure that God will
bless the income, and we can put more ministers on the payroll.
Mr. & Mrs. J.P. (La Puente, CA)
We received your letter today reminding us that God's work is
blessed according to how well we conduct our personal lives.
Even though I thank you very much for these letters, I wish that
there was no need for you to have to remind us that we must keep
on praying fervently and not stop.
Personally, I could see that I was slipping--! just seem to let
things such as bills and other daily cares get in my way. Thank
you so much for all of your letters, Mr. Armstrong. And thank you
for praying for us as I know you do.
Member (Roanoke, VA)
My husband and I have been shown again you cannot outgive God!
Before leaving on a business-pleasure trip last week, we received
the letter from Mr. Armstrong about the needs for 100 trained
ministers to be placed out into the field. We prayed about this
need and sent in a check. During our trip the next week we re­
ceived so many discounts on our rental cars, ho.tels and purchases
that we just had to write and share this with you. In totaling
all our expenses upon our return we found we less than half
of what the normal rate would nave been.
Our lives are blessed each day! We have enclosed another check
in the same amount as the first for your use in God's work.
Mr. & Mrs. M.H. (Apache Junction, AZ)
Thank you for your most recent letter stressing the need to hire
more ministers. Although it is a serious need, it is also a most
encouraging one because it indicates that the Church is on the
verge of further gr owth. Enclosed is our check of tithes and an
offering. If it is possible to direct our offering to this spe­
cific need, we will be most happy.
Mrs. C.T. (Pasadena, CA)
I feel God has just spoken to me through you, Mr. Armstrong. I've
just received a letter from you telling me as a co-worker with
Christ that more tithes are needed. But what's really astounding
is the paragraph where you stated, "I have always said that God
causes the income to come in according to how well we please him
in our personal and collective lives." And accordingly I have
not been keeping close enough to God lately.
But starting this
day forward, I will fulfill my obligations wholeheartedly and
J.C. (Tallulah, LA)
First reaction, write the check. Second reaction, on the knees.
May this "widow's mite" help get those badly needed ministers in
full-time servicel
F.R. (Dallas, PA)