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So encourage the brethren in your congregations to enroll or reenroll in
the Bible correspondence course. Notice what one member recently wrote:
I have just finished Lesson
and I want to tell you how much
appreciate these wonderful tools for learning more about God's
Word. Having been a member for 9 years, I finished the first 12
lessons many years ago when I was first baptized. When I heard a
while back that they were going to continue them from Lesson 12,
I thought "that's nice," but personally felt that it would be so
simple and basic in doctrine that it would be of little value to
How wrong I was! When I finally reenrolled I was amazed at how
God was giving me an even deeper and clearer understanding of His
Word in areas I thought I had already fully understood!
Bible correspondence course is not just for those newly coming
into the understanding of God's truth. My grateful thanks.
J.C. (Oxnard, CA)
Another member wrote:
I am thrilled with the lessons! I have been a member since 1970
and I feel I am still learning the deep, spiritual intent of
God's laws. Mr. Armstrong says we must grow; this is one way to
do it. Anyone who does not take advantage of the Bible·corres­
pondence cour se is missing a great deal.
D.L. (Fresno, CA)
The truths Mr. Armstrong has been emphasizing in articles and sermons dur­
ing recent years are expounded in depth in the expanded course. Mr. Arm­
strong personally determined the subjects of these new lessons, beginning
with Lesson
especially focus on the fact that God has
called us to be teachers and rulers in the World Tomorrow. Lesson
titled "In Training for Rulership." And now, beginning with Lesson 23
(which is scheduled to be printed this month), is a new series of lessons
covering each of God's Holy Days.
Inspire the members to see the value and need to be studying the Bible with
the help of the correspondence course, as well as the booklets. God has so
much to teach us! We must be willing and active learners, so that one day
we may teach His way to the whole world!
On another
that over
reports on
to have to
subject, I received a disappointing report from Mr. Richard Rice
100 U.S. pastors failed to call in their Pentecost offering
time. Mr. Rice explained again that this causes his department
call them, which slows down their operation considerably.
I've explained before how the complete offering reports are needed just as
soon as possible, how I am responsible to have that informat1on for Mr.
Armstrong on time as planned, and how each pastor must do his part as a
member of the overall team. (See June
11, 1982
PGR.) It'Ts "Tncons1derate
and a neglect of responsibility to fail to follow the clear instructions
the Mail Processing Center sends out. I expect a change in this problem
beginning with the Feast of Trumpets and continuing from then on!
show a willing spirit of cooperation by not allowing neglecf:-forgetfulness
or any other "reason" to prevent us from getting this job done properly and
� time. I'm looking forward to 100% cooperation.