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Also on May 14, Mr. Adair ordained Mr. Joel King, formerly a ministerial
trainee, now a local elder and associate pastor of the Vancouver, British
Columbia congregation. And on May 11, in South Africa, regional director
Roy McCarthy, assisted by Mr. Frank Nelte, ordained Mr. Neil Becker a local
elder in the East London congregation.
Caribbean Feast Sites
As mentioned in the Caribbean Festival Planner, the deadline for
applying to attend the Feast of Tabernacles at a Caribbean site
is June 4. Therefore, all Caribbean sites are now closed to fur­
the�ansfer requests. For those who have been accepted to a
Caribbean site, the deadline for returning housing deposits is
International News
From Mr. Frank Brown We were delighted that Mr. Armstrong was able to visit
Elstree House for the annual board meetings held on May 3. He arrived in
London on Thursday, May 2, and after attending the two board meetings, was
guest of honour at a luncheon attended by all full-time staff. Mr. Arm­
strong addressed them after lunch, giving a preview of his new book. On
Sabbath, May 4, he gave an inspiring message to a combined congregation of
816 brethren at the Kensington Exhibition Centre in London. After the ser­
vice, Mr. Armstrong flew to Brussels, and then returned to Elstree House on
Sunday to address a local elders conference.
The income for April was the highest ever for one month in the history of
the British office--21.5%°"'n'rgher than April 1984, bringing the year�to-date
increase to 6.8%.
While PLAIN TRUTH circulation is still around 100,000 in the U.K. and Eire,
new subscribers are beginning to come onto our list as a result of our cur­
rent advertising programme, and we should see rapid growth in the next few
months. over 10,400 new subscribers were added during April.
Delayed renewals have resulted in a temporary dip in PLAIN TRUTH circula­
tion in the overseas areas, except in the Middle East where self-generated
growth has offset the losses, so the file is still 17.0% above this time
last year. In Black Africa, subscribers receive only one renewal for bud­
getary reasons, because demand for The PLAIN TRUTH is so high in that area.
Circulation there has therefore not been affected by renewal changes and is
set on a very steady growth pattern--up 54.5% over 1984.
The GOOD NEWS offer to PLAIN TRUTH subscribers has pulled a very good re­
sponse from all areas, bringing very healthy growth to the GOOD NEWS files.
Here is a sununary of the number of offers mailed so far, the responses and
the current size of the files: