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Regrettably, Mr. Herbert
Armstrong could not take part in the Cornmence-
·ment Exercises this year. (As you all know, he was away on another impor­
tant trip to Europe and the Mideast.) In his stead, Dr. Herman L. Hoeh gave
the Commencement Address, titled "The New Lost Generation." In his inspir­
ing address, Dr. Hoeh explained how the new generation (frorn the mid-60s
onward) has grown up without the right family connections. As a result,
many young people have turned to alcohol and drug abuse simply because
there have not been the proper bonds between them and their parents. Many
parents have not spent much time with their children, loving, teaching,
training and encouraging them. In all too many cases, these children have
had very little contact with their parents. As Dr. Hoeh pointed out, this
abysmal failure of parents in general has spawned a generation of children
who do not understand what it is like to have a well-knit family. Dr. Hoeh
gave a similar address at the Big Sandy Commencement Exercises on the
Wednesday preceding our Friday graduation.
Mr. Joel Meeker, Student Body President, gave the Discourse before Dr.
· Hoeh's Commencement Address. His very fine address was titled, "Ich Dien"
(I serve) 1
I heard many of the people who attended the Commencement Exercises comment
to the effect that they were inspired and very impressed. Overall, I felt
everything was well-organized and went very smoothly.
This year, we conferred a total of 227 degrees! First" the 44 Associate of
Arts and the 39 Associate of Science degrees were conferred. Then we con­
ferred the 144 Bachelor of Arts degrees. My hand was a bit sore after shak­
ing hands with 227 graduates!
We were happy that we could invite all of the ministers and their wives who
were attending the Ministerial Refreshing Program to attend the very enjoy­
able end-of-year activities in Pasadena. This included Ambassador's annual
Field Day on Wednesday--at which seven new all-time A.C. records were set
--followed by a pizza party. Then on Thursday, the·annual Graduation Ball
was hosted by the Junior Class--the soon-to-be seniors of the 1985-86 col­
lege year. They provided the best entertainment program I have ever seen,
which everyone thoroughly enjoyed.
We are eagerly looking forward to the return of Mr. Armstrong and his party
from their present trip. From what we have heard, all has gone well--with a
number of important meetings having taken place. Unfortunately, some of us
ministers who usually go out to greet him upon his return will not be able
to do so because of traveling to outlying churches for Pentecost weekend.
We ministers at Headquarters always look forward to our visits to the local
church areas scattered over the U.S., and pray that our visits are always
encouraging, inspiring and edifying in every way.
Thank you for your continued loyal support of God's College!
--Raymond F. McNair, Deputy Chancellor
Recent Telecast Sets All-time Record
The prophetic program, "Mystery Babylon the Great," which aired the weekend
of May 18-19, brought in a record 18,050 calls! This eclipsed the former