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For a good while after reading Mr. Toth's article on abortion in
the May PLAIN TRUTH, my stomach did not want to settle down. That
article should somehow be required reading for every man and
woman, doctor and nurse. How long is God Almighty going to put up
with such atrocious and abominable wickedness?
G.A. (Somerset, OH)
I am writing you concerning the article on abortion in the May
issue of The PLAIN TRUTH. I am only twelve and some people may
say that I'm too young to have an opinion on abortion.
Well, I think it is really wrong. Babies have a right to live
just as you and I do, no matter how small they are. If their
hearts beat, they're alive! The doctor who oversees an abortion
is very guilty. God is against abortion. It says so in the
Bible! And the Bible is all true.
Children can be a real blessing to a family. But there will be
some women who will never know only because they went through
with the abortion and let the doctor kill their own flesh and
blood. I am glad that you stepped out and published an article
like that. Keep up the good work!
P.B. (Ivyton, KY)
I have been reading your publication with interest but I found
your article on abortion in this issue not to be filled with "un­
derstanding."••• Population growth is the main cause of most of
the world's economic and social problems. Each year we add more
people than ever before and each year we have more starvation,
malnutrition, and wars.
Crusading against abortion does not deal with the main problem,
which is uncontrolled population growth. Dealing with one part
that makes the main problem worse without dealing seriously with
the other side of the problem is hypocritical. Most women in the
world have abortions not out of selfishness but because they can­
not support and take care of more children.
D.W. (Tallahassee, FL)
Your article on abortion made me realize what a mistake I would
have made if I had listened to my boyfriend. He wanted me to get
an abortion, but I would not listen. I kept telling him I needed
more time to think. But I realize he was only thinking of him­
My definition of abortion is murder. Does mankind have the right
to choose who should live and who should die? No, one of the
greatest gifts of God to women is the bringing of-a new life into
the world. I am a strong believer in God, and there will be a day
that Jesus Christ will teach people to have different opinions
toward unborn children.
Thank you for writing this article. So many people need to read
this, and if I ever come across someone who is thinking about
getting an abortion, I will let her read this article so she will
understand what happens to that unborn child.
(Trenton, NJ)