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International News
From Mr. Frank Brown The anticipated decline in PLAIN TRUTH circulation
has occurred 1n the U.K., Scandinavia, European continent and Middle East.
This decrease is the result of the change in the renewal system last year,
which meant that there was a "piling up• of renewals. These renewals have
now taken their toll, with circulation in the U.K. dropping to about
100,000. With our nationwide advertising campaign just getting under way,
however, we expect the file to grow again. It should reach the highest ever
level of over 160,000.
We are also testing a new four-colour insert card in the U.K. newsstand edi­
tion and we hope this will boost our already healthy response of 2.5% to an
even higher level.
Mail income for March was up 11% over March of last year, bringing the year­
to-date increase to 2%.
PLAIN TRUTH circulation in central and northern Africa has remained stable
since it was not affected in the same way by the change in the renewal sys­
tem. In this area, circulation has to be carefully controlled, otherwise
it would grow beyond our means to support it financially. Circulation is
now 55,700, which is 47% higher than March, 1984. The membership is growing
at a remarkable rate--there are now 404 baptised members--up 10.1% from
Following our offer of The GOOD NEWS to PLAIN TRUTH readers of two years
standing, our GOOD NEWS circulation has grown considerably in all areas, as
the following statistics show:
U. K.
Continent of Europe
Middle East
+ 9%
Plans for the 1985 Feast of Tabernacles are well under way, and most U.K.
members have already selected their site preferences.
About 150 U.K.
brethren will be travelling abroad to .keep the Feast. It seems that the
strength of the American dollar may have made the U.K. sites more attrac­
tive to American visitors this year. Already 450 transfers to the U.K.
have been confirmed. Mr. Paul Suckling and I are planning to visit most of
the U.K. sites, and we also hope to have live satellite transmission from
Pasadena to Jersey, Dunoon, Southport and Tenby.
With the increasing work load at Elstree House, we have had to rethink our
office arrangements. The mailing area has been enlarged to cope with the
ever-increasing outflow, and Mr. Cliff Neill has joined the staff to help
in this area. Further changes will take place in office layout when Mr.
Gerry van der Wende joins the team in May, transferring from Publishing
Services in Pasadena. He will be responsible for the evermore complex fi­
nancial planning, forecasting and back-charging involved in publishing op­
erations. He will also investigate and monitor all print costs, evaluating
cost effectiveness at every stage. Since we now print 10 editions of The
PLAIN TRUTH and two editions of The GOOD NEWS here in the U.K., tight finan­
cial controls are essential.
--Joseph Tkach, Ministerial Services