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These clubs are unique in Ghana. Put yourself into them fully." Mr. �rown
mentioned that he was pleased to see the considerable growth which had
taken place since his last visit to the Club in 1981.
Because they were unable to obtain visas for Nigeria, Mr. and Mrs. Brown
were obliged to cut short their visit to West Africa. They hope to schedule
a trip to Nigeria later in the year.
(Note: The above report will also appear in an upcoming issue of The WORLD­
International News
From Mr. Robert Morton
A regional ministerial conference was conducted
March 17-21 for all ministers and wives from Australia and Asia. The con­
ference was held at our beautiful SEP camp site at Lake Moogerah. Lectures
by pastors Bill Winner and Bill Bradford and myself continued the theme of
"unity" set by Mr. Herbert Armstrong at the recent Regional Directors'
Conference in Pasadena. There were many comments of appreciation from the
ministry for the in-depth instruction and counsel contained in the material
Harmony, cooperation and uplifting fellowship were very evident throughout
the conference. Touch football, volleyball, basketball and water skiing
added to the overall success and enjoyment of the meetings.
The regional office was seriously disrupted in March by severe electrical
power shortages extending over a period of two weeks. A confrontation be­
tween the state government and striking electrical power linesmen caused
load shedding throughout the state, and complete loss of power in some
areas. Business and industry were severely restricted or shut down. Mil­
lions of dollars in business and wages were lost throughout the state be­
cause of the dispute. In addition, union activity within the post office,
especially in the Sydney area, disrupted mail or caused a slowdown in de­
Mail and income for March were affected by these disputes. However, re­
sponses to "The WORLD TOMORROW" telecast were the highest on record. The
availability of our WATS line number to viewers has been primarily respons­
ible for the increase in responses to the programme.
The most successful programme to date is "Ascent to Greatness," aired March
3, offering Mr. Armstrong's book, THE UNITED STATES AND BRITAIN IN PROPH­
ECY. This programme pulled twice as many responses as any other programme
aired so far in this country. Seventy percent were responding to the pro­
gramme for the first time and went on file as new PLAIN TRUTH subscribers.
Income for March rose 10.2% over the same month last year, bringing our
year-to-date increase to 3.0%.