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sponse of almost 70 letters. This compares to an average of about 20 let­
ters per month for 1984. This threefold increase is handled by using a
micro-computer for word-processing functions. Many of those who write us
indicate a desire to donate to God's work or be involved in some way. For
example, one man wanted to join us here in Puerto Rico to help us preach the
Gospel. As many as half write again sometime later for various reasons.
This is very encouraging to all concerned. The PC department anticipates
further growth as we continue our efforts in the Caribbean region.
Of the Churches and Bible studies pastored from the Regional Office, Pass­
over services will be held in Antigua and Dominica. [ This report was dated
March 31. l The members in St. Croix, St. Thomas, Cayman Islands, British
Virgin Islands and St. Kitts will all observe Passover and the Days of Un­
leavened Bread in their own homes. As time goes on, and as we have more
ministers in the region, we hope to be able to hold festival services in
many of these islands.
We are looking forward to the services of a new ministerial trainee,
Michael Mitchell, who will be returning to Jamaica, his native home, where
he will assist in the local church for the summer. Afterwards, Mr. Mitchell
will return to Ambassador College for his senior year.
Comments From Monthly Church Reports
From the Philippines
LEGASPI CITY--DIONISIO CATCHILLAR: The brethren are very excited
about the continuing Ministerial Education Program (conducted by
Mr. Blackwell) for God's ministry here in the Philippines. I al­
so appreciate very much this opportunity and privilege of being
able to have Ambassador College classes right here in the Philip­
pines under one of the top evangelists. I'd like to thank Mr.
Herbert Armstrong through Mr. Guy Ames for approving this kind of
training for God's ministers in the Philippines. I am grateful
to be working as a member of the team in backing up God's chosen
apostle in doing His work.
TACLOBAN CITY--FELIPE CASING: We are learning a great deal from
Mr. Dean Blackwell in the Ministerial Education Program that is
underway in Baguio City--not just in our doctrines but in other
things. I'm taking the studies seriously and soberly for the ad­
vancement of my knowledge of God's Word and how to impart it to
God's people as well.
QUEZON CITY--PEDRO MELENDEZ: Death of one member's child, sick­
nesses and marital problems were encountered this month, but mem­
bers' attitudes have been very fine and yielded to God. Already
the lectures which we ministers are receiving from Mr. Dean
Blackwell's M.E.P. (Ministerial Education Program) have helped in
upgrading the quality of our pastoral counselings with members
and prospectives.
DAVAO CITY--VICTOR LIM: Attendance seems to be on the upswing,
with figures exceeding 100. This is due to an increase in the
number of new people being brought in as a result of PLAIN TRUTH