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God continues to bless His College in so many ways. A number of the coming
May graduates have already been informed that they will be hired by the
Church after graduation. Over 70 students were hired in 1983, and then an­
other 70-plus in 1984. We don't yet know how many AC graduates will be
hired after this coming graduation, but we hope God will see fit to use many
of these very fine, dedicated young Ambassadors directly in the work of His
I appreciate receiving many reports from you ministers--as well as from de­
partment heads, work supervisors and others--concerning the very fine ex­
ample AC graduates are setting. Please continue to remember God's College
in your prayers--that we would always go well beyond the "call of duty" in
helping to train these fine young people to become excellent Ambassadors
representing God's way of life in a sick and dying world!
--Raymond F. McNair, Deputy Chancellor
Easter Telecast Produces Another Record Response!
"The Plain Truth About Easter," which aired the weekend of April 6-7,
brought in an all-time record 17,585 calls. New York station WOR aired the
program 20 minutes late due to a hockey game. We believe this reduced the
response by several hundred calls.
The combined response for the telecasts on Easter and the resurrection,
including calls during the week, has reached 37,226.
Callers were quite surprised to learn the truth about Christ's resur­
rection. They appreciated Mr. Armstrong's clear and logical explanation.
Many indicated they would be reexamining their beliefs and making some
changes. A sampling of their conunents follows:
Mr. Armstrong is so crystal clear and thorough in his presenta­
tion. He researches well and explains it so anyone can under­
stand. I was shocked and surprised that Christ didn't rise on
Sunday! But he showed exactly what the Bible says on the matter.
Other preachers hardly quote the Bible. Mr. Armstrong left me
without a doubt on the information he gave. If I had to do all
that research to find the truth, it would take me months.
appreciate his doing it and presenting so much within a half
J.H. {El Cajon, CA)
I was shocked! All my life I've been going to church on Sunday.
Mr. Armstrong is a wise man and I have to listen to him.
haven't been a follower of his but I will be now.
w.o. {Pasadena, CA)
Your program was very thought-provoking. I was raised a strict
Catholic, and this is the opposite of what I've been taught. I
want to look into this subject of Easter and study it. I may have
to make some decisions about what I believe.
M.W. {Fort Campbell, KY)