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I want to tell you that I toured the Ambassador campus back in No­
vember. What a beautiful campus. I could certainly feel God's
presence there. The young man who took me on the tour was a de­
lightful, pleasant person. I thoroughly enjoyed it. How blessed
we are to �ave such a beautiful place for our young people to at­
H.N. (Stuart, IA)
My husband and I spent our honeymoon there at the campus. We wish
we knew how to express our deep appreciation to everyone there.
We were overwhelmed by the outgoing love and concern that is an
integral part of the college.
Mr. & Mrs. L.s. (Versailles, MO)
I want to take this opportunity to thank everyone at headquarters
for the most inspiring and meaningful Feast I have ever attended.
Ambassador Auditorium, the grounds, but most importantly the evi­
dence of God's Spirit was overwhelming as I attended services and
walked about the college. Everyone who is responsible for the
maintenance and care of such a lovely oasis must surely take
their responsibilities very seriously as they work before God. I
hope everyone who has the opportunity will plan to spend at least
one Feast at God's headquarters.
S.B. (Cincinnati, OH)
My wife and I appreciate your kindness in letting us visit and
use your facilities. We attend your concerts, run on your track
and walk around your grounds. Your college is always a very
pleasant place to visit. Enclosed is something from us in re­
Mr. & Mrs. D.O. (Pasadena, CA)
I want to thank the staff for their kindness when I toured Mail
Processing, WATS and Editorial during my visit for my daughter's
graduation. Everyone was very friendly and serving! Also, Mr.
Roman Borek's guidance through the Auditorium was most memorable!
Being at Ambassador was like being in a miniature Kingdom of God
--a sure delight.
S.W. (Duluth, MN)
Visited your campus last weekend. I felt like I was in paradise.
Such beauty, and people to match it.
A • G• (Inglewood, CA)
We just returned home from visiting your fine campus. Ambassador
Auditorium is so breathtaking that you just can't describe all
its beauty to anyone. We hope that all the brethren will get a
chance to see this fine building, and to stop and think, that it
is just a sample of what will be in the Kingdom to come.
Mr. & Mrs. J.F. (Bruce, WI)
--Richard Rice, Mail Processing Center