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Members who are saving second tithe over in this manner should also have a
valid reason for wanting to transfer--such as visiting parents or grand­
children whom they have not seen for years, or specific educational oppor­
tunities (for example, visiting Headquarters or Jerusalem). Their desire
should not be simply that of wanting to take a vacation.
Thank you, as always, for your faithful labor of prayer for Mr. Armstrong
and all of us here in Pasadena. Our prayers are with you in the great call­
ing God has placed upon your shoulders.
Recent Ordinations
On the Sabbath, December 1, 1984, Mr. Dennis Leap was ordained a local
church elder by Mr. Gerald Flurry, pastor of the Pasco, Washington
congregation. Mr. Leap, who recently moved to New York, now serves in the
Buffalo (South), New York church.
During the New Zealand regional ministerial conference February 21 and 22,
1985, Mr. David Klenner, of the Palmerston North congregation, was ordained
a local church elder. Hands were laid on Mr. Klenner by evangelist Mr.
Gerald Waterhouse, New Zealand Regional Director Mr. Peter Nathan, Mr. Jack
Croucher and Mr. Lyall Johnston.·
International News
From Mr. Bob Morton We in the Australian and Asian regional office continue
to be most encouraged by the number of WATS line· calls being received in
response to Mr. Armstrong's telecast. Throughout January we averaged over
90 calls each week.
With the introduction of our four WATS lines, we thought there might be a
significant drop in the number of letters received in response to the
telecast. However, we are pleased to note that there was only a small drop
in January. When we add together the WATS line and letter responses to the
telecast for January, the number of requests increased by 126.5% over the
same month last year. Of those responding to the t�lecast, either by phone
or letter, 82% requested a PLAIN TRUTH subscription for the first time.
We are also delighted by the continuing interest being shown by Sri Lankan
viewers to Mr. Armstrong's telecast currently being aired each Sunday even­
ing at 7:30 p.m. over Colombo station ITNll. In January, 728 viewers wrote
in requesting The PLAIN TRUTH magazine and the other literature offered by
Mr. Armstrong on the programme. If this trend continues, the PLAIN TRUTH
mailing list in Sri Lanka will more than double by the end of 1985.
By the end of January, Mr. Armstrong's November, 1984 semiannual letter,
resulted in 10,890 responses from Australian PLAIN TRUTH subseribers.
These responses represent 12.4% of the mailing list. Over three-quarters
of the people who responded asked for both booklets.
The response from Asian subscribers to Mr. Armstrong's semiannual letter
totaled 5,778 requests by the end of January--10.8% of the Asian mailing
Because of the distances involved, responses from the Asian area
will continue to come in for many months yet.