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At the end of January, Office Manager John Karlson, his wife and my wife and
I flew to Pasadena for the Regional Directors Conference. We found the con­
ference very beneficial and unifying.
With the evident unity further
solidifying, we can expect great growth in God's work in the months and
years ahead.
(Pasadena Campus)
--Joe Tkach, Ministerial Services
Everything is corning along very well with Ambassador College at both cam­
puses. My wife and I recently spent 10 days at Big Sandy and had both a
profitable and very enjoyable stay on our sister campus.
While there I was able to guest teach five different subjects--Life and
Teachings of Jesus (first-year Bible), Principles of Living, Marriage and
the Family, Epistles of Paul and second-year Speech.
Also, I was privi­
leged to speak at the Forum and gave two sermons (at Tyler and Big Sandy)
the first Sabbath of our visit and one sermon the following Sabbath at
Lufkin, Texas.
I was in Big Sandy during the annual Speech Banquet at the Pasadena campus;
but, fortunately, my wife and I were able to attend the annual Speech Ban­
quet at Big Sandy. This is always a very interesting and entertaining
event, and this year at Big Sandy was no exception.
Also while in Big Sandy, my wife and I visited with various of the faculty
members, College administrators and their wives. I thought our visit was
both profitable and most pleasant, and felt everyone made us welcome.
Mr. and Mrs. Les McCullough are now in Pasadena on the annual faculty ex­
change program. They will be here through the rest of this week and plan to
return to Big·Sandy on Sunday. While the McCulloughs have been here, Mr.
McCullough has taught a number of classes and gave the Forum on Tuesday,
February 26th. They have also been able to visit with a number of ministers
and faculty.
Wednesday, February 27th, the McCulloughs, along with several of us at Pas­
adena, attended a special Rotarian Luncheon at the Pasadena Huntington­
Sheraton Hotel. There Mr. Herbert Armstrong was presented with a special
sapphire pin by Mr. Richard Fiedler, president of the Pasadena Rotary Club.
The Young Ambassadors were asked to perform before the distinguished guests
of the several combined Rotary Clubs of the Southern California area
gathered for this occasion. They did a superb job, and everyone seemed to
enjoy their performance very much.
(More details of this event will be
covered in the March 4th WORLDWIDE NEWS.)
On Thursday, February 28th, Messrs. Armstrong, McCullough, Ralph Helge,
Aaron Dean and I were able to discuss various matters concerning Ambassador
College faculty and administrators have spent many weeks in carefully and
prayerfully evaluating the third- and fourth-year students in our Student
Progress Meetings and have just about finished selecting next year's stu­
dent body officers. We have also made certain decisions and recommenda­
tions concerning the graduating seniors. This corning May the Church will
again hire quite a few of the graduates.