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Big Sandy WATS Experiences Sky-rocketing Growth!
Our WATS operation in Big Sandy continues to expand, providing essential
backup to Pasadena. Seventy-five operators are regularly on duty during
heavy periods of incoming calls. Big Sandy now answers about 45% of all
calls. With additional computer terminals now available, more than half of
all the calls they receive are processed by "direct terminal entry" via
computer line hookup to the Church's main computer in Pasadena.
Without our Texas Telephone Response Department, we would be hard pressed
to keep up with the ever-increasing response to "The WORLD TOMORROW."
Since its inception, Big Sandy has taken over 200,000 calls--100,000 since
the Feast.
Letters of Appreciation for Ministerial Visits
We continue to receive a growing number of visit requests. People who have
been contacted by God's ministers often write to tell us how much they have
been helped and encouraged. Not only are they impressed with the minis­
ter's thorough knowledge of the Bible, but also with his genuine, heartfelt
concern. For many, their first contact with God's ministers is an inspir­
ing and unforgettable experience, as the following letters show:
In light of Mr. Armstrong's "Personal" column in The GOOD NEWS
where he made mention of ministers, we had brunch with one of
your ministers. And I was (if I may use the word) impressed by
his wide field of knowledge not only in the Bible, but the exten­
sion of it into the fields of human endeavor and his att�ntion to
the principles of success.
God created and desires us to succeed, yet we need to be taught.
Here is a man, trained and dedicated to teaching us how to suc­
ceed in our lives, our marriages, our childrearing, our jobs;
giving us the knowledge and counsel we need; helping us see where
we are making our mistakes; spending his life to help us become
obedient to God's laws. What a contrast to the "religious poli­
ticians" who are like the government politicians but only in a
different field.
Having a true minister of the Living God near to call on is truly
a great blessing and comfort; and to know he is continually im­
proving himself by acquiring additional understanding and knowl­
edge, which automatically makes him even more capable to help, is
a continually increasing blessing. Thanks be to God for minis­
ters of truth and knowledge, understanding and compassion. It
was His idea and plan to send them, and we sure need them.
B.y. (Yakima, WA)
I heard you for the first time on radio a long time ago. I then
wrote and received some of your literature. For the first time I
believed in God. All these years and many experiences later, I
have come to realize that it is not just enough to believe, but I
must obey. I am now taking the Bible course, studying really
hard, praying hard and often.