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During January, our Business Manager Bill Hutchison and I traveled to Pasa­
dena for the Regional Directors Conference. Mr. and Mrs. Hutchison stayed
on afterwards for the 13th session of the Ministerial Refreshing Program.
The charts, diagrams and statistical reports prepared for the conference
will be of use in February, too, as a visit to New Zealand is planned by
Messrs. Don Mitchum and Bill Moreland, two BBDO executives from the USA,
along with Director of Media Purchasing Mr. David Hulme. Meetings with our
local advertising agency, Rialto Ltd., will shape our media plans for the
rest of the year.
Mr. Gerald Waterhouse will also be arriving during February to take a tour
of all the Churches in New Zealand, Fiji and Tonga. The brethren are very
much looking forward to hearing his inspiring messages.
While Mr. Hulme and Mr. Waterhouse are here, I have arranged for a two-day
Regional Ministerial Conference in late February. February is shaping up
to be a very busy and exciting month!
Appreciation for Ministerial Refreshing Program III
Dear Mr. Armstrong:
I attended the eleventh session of the Refreshing Program in De­
cember. I returned to the churches in my charge feeling re­
Several of the members even commented to me that I
looked refreshed.
Having the two weeks to put all duties aside and to concentrate
on taking in spiritual knowledge is a boost to one's morale, but
also of importance is the contact with other ministers. This re­
news the realization that we are not individuals working alone,
but that we are a team. I am able to pray more meaningfully for
my fellow ministers now. Thank you for giving us the opportunity
of attending the program.
Carlton and Beverly Smith
Dear Mr. Tkach:
Dorothy and I have been reviewing our notes taken at the 10th
session of the Ministerial Refreshing Program. We wish to convey
to you our heartfelt appreciation for the tremendous amount of
knowledge that was given to us. The classes were all outstand­
ing. The material was presented in a very balanced way. Both of
us feel that it was the most helpful and enjoyable Refreshing
Program we have attended. Thanks to you and everyone who worked
so hard to make our stay so pleasant and in'
formative. We are anx­
iously awaiting the fourth MRP.
We also want to thank Mr. Armstrong and you for Dr. Hoeh's visit.
It was a real boost for the churches and ourselves personally.
The communication between Headquarters and the ministry has been
improving steadily over the years. The unity we are enjoying now
is certainly refreshing!
The congregations here in South Texas are solidly behind the
Church of God and His Apostle, Mr. Armstrong. Our prayers are