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was especially impressed by the warm reception Mr. Armstrong received.
They also applauded his efforts in explaining to these leaders the true way
to everlasting peace. Following are a few of the comments received in the
past three weeks:
I don't know how to thank you--God first, and then Mr. Armstrong
--for the wonderful, wonderful work he is doing in getting the
true Gospel out to all the world! I watched him this morning in
Nepal and it just brings tears to my eyes to realize what he is
(and has been) doing for these many years. I'm on a fixed income,
but I'm going to send what I can to help. I never miss the tele­
cast and I receive great comfort and encouragement from Mr. Arm­
strong and the Worldwide Church of God.
O.R. (Corpus Christi, TX)
I've never seen anything like it. This program has brought a new
dimension to my life. I don't let anything keep me from watching
his broadcasts!
C • T • (Du1uth, MN)
It's amazing that a man of Mr. Armstrong's age can spread the
."good news" to places like China. He has a lot of wisdom and the
dignitaries there certainly respect him.
M.E. (La Jolla, CA)
Today's program made a lot of sense! We should be teaching chil­
dren the "give" way when they're small and not to always be on the
receiving side. Otherwise there won't be peace in the world to
come. The Chinese people seemed very impressed and satisfied
with the message Mr. Armstrong brought them.
R.H. (Washington, DC)
I think that "The WORLD TOMORROW"
the most informative reli­
gious program on the air. It not only tells about God, but about
the world too. I think it is a very good program for my children
to watch so they can learn about our God and have a better under­
standing of this world.
M.B. (Fort Meade, MD)
The program today was fantastic. I loved seeing what Mr. Arm­
doing. It was exciting to see the welcome that was
given to him by the little Chinese children.
Mrs. w.c. (Blanchard, ID)
Great program! I couldn't move the whole time he was talking. I
didn't even switch the channels when the basketball game came on.
It was a very inspiring broadcast. Do you have any video tapes of
the program? I'd like to hear it again.
(Dallas, TX)
I used to live in Hong Kong, as my parents were missionaries. I
was really impressed with the program. It touched home. I know
what he was talking about since I used to live there. The program
was excellent.
R.S. (Joplin' MO)