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Comments From Monthly Church Reports
From the United States
CINCINNATI (SOUTH), OH--BOB LEAGUE: Mr. Armstrong's latest trip
to the Orient was very inspiring and uplifting to all of us. God
continues to give him youthful vigor to do His work on earth. We
continually pray that God will lead Mr. Armstrong through new
opened doors to finish this great work.
WAUKESHA, WI--JOEL LILLENGREEN: Members are very encouraged by
the vigorous manner in which Mr. Armstrong carries out his re­
sponsibilities in spite of physical limitations. They can defi­
nitely see God's hand in the picture. There is much enthusiasm
toward the PT newsstand program.
JACKSON, MS--MARC SEGALL: We have appreciated Mr. Tkach's updates
and instruction in the PGR. They spark ideas for sermons plus
keep us more solidly on track. Please keep them coming.
The emphasis in teaching more
about marriage and family relationships is doing a lot of good in
this Church area. Many thanks to Dr. Zimmerman for the fine ser­
mon he delivered. It really was very helpful.
WILMINGTON, DE--DAVID REGISTER: Everyone thoroughly enjoyed Mr.
Harold Jackson's visit from Pasadena. It was very inspiring to
the brethren. Thank you, Mr. Armstrong and Mr. Tkach, for rein­
stituting this visiting program. The added contact with Pasadena
is needed and helpful.
ATLANTA (EAST), GA--KENNETH MARTIN: The brethren really enjoyed
Mr. Jackson's visit to the area. They especially appreciated his
explanation of the early days of God's working with Mr. Herbert
Armstrong and how the Church has grown as a result.
AKRON, OH--BILL JAHNS: The Church was inspired by Mr. Dick Ames'
visit to this area. It is always inspiring to have someone from
Headquarters come to the local area and give an update on the
work of God's Church. This helps us keep our eyes focused on what
God has called us to do in this end time.
ROANOKE, VA--ROBERT PERSKY: The PMs that I am now dealing with
are very deeply repentant. They have a true Philadelphia atti­
t � de--they're hungering for truth, responsive and full of enthu­
siasm. All the new PMs who have been invited to attend services
have told me that the brethren immediately welcomed and accepted
them and made them feel like they were part of a big family.
FORT WAYNE, IN--DARRIS McNEELY: The two public Bible lectures
held in December resulted in several new visit requests. Many
who attended were longtime PMs who had not responded to visits.
Hopefully the lectures brought them a step further along. I feel
the lectures were helpful for the local members.
The topic I
covered helped them reaffirm their commitment to the Church. The
next couple of months should determine how much of the "sown
seed" will grow and bear fruit.